Politics & Rights
Politics & Rights
The Fundamental Difference between Ukraine and Russia
Thomas Walker-Werth January 31, 2022
As I write this, more than one hundred thousand Russian troops are gathered along their border with Ukraine. Every day, Ukrainian citizens are living in fear of invasion. Why are innocent people facing the prospect of death and destruction at the hands of a foreign power?
Economics, Politics & Rights
Star Trek, Marx, Maezawa, and the Moneyless Dream: Utopian or Dystopian?
“Money rests on the axiom that every man is the owner of his mind and his effort.” —Ayn Rand
Ayn Rand & Objectivism, Politics & Rights
Esquire’s Dishonest Smear of Aaron Rodgers and Ayn Rand
Tim White January 20, 2022
This article takes for granted that Atlas Shrugged is a bad book and that Aaron Rodgers’s behavior exemplifies its content—without providing a single shred of evidence to support either conclusion.
Politics & Rights
Australia Double Faults in Djokovic Fiasco
Jon Hersey January 13, 2022
Love him or hate him, Djokovic served Aussies a valuable opportunity—to pause, reflect, and reconsider the implications of individual rights for pandemic policy. Unfortunately, they’ve double-faulted.
Politics & Rights
Sprinklegate and Europe’s Permission Society
Angelica Walker-Werth December 9, 2021
Europe's permission society is not only infantilizing, it hinders innovation and the creation of the best possible products.
Politics & Rights
The Tulip Won’t Bloom in London, Thanks to Rights-Violating Politicians
Thomas Walker-Werth December 8, 2021
Why should governments get to decide how cities should be developed? The very concept of “urban planning” has baked into it the idea that a central “planner” knows best; that individuals must not be trusted to act on their own judgment.
Politics & Rights
Environmentalists Show Their Disregard for Human Life
Thomas Walker-Werth November 26, 2021
During October 2021, environmentalist “protesters” affiliated with the “Insulate Britain” movement twice blocked the M25, Britain’s busiest motorway. These show the anti-human morality that underlies the environmentalist movement.
Education & Parenting, Politics & Rights
Shame on MIT for Bowing to a Twitter Mob
Angelica Walker-Werth November 12, 2021
Part of the university administration’s job is to determine who speaks on campus. But to deplatform speakers based on unrelated political views is spineless and contrary to the mission of a university: to seek and share knowledge. Universities ought to stand up to the nonsense of Twitter mobs, not bow to it.
Education & Parenting, Politics & Rights
Public School Pandemonium Teaches a Valuable Lesson
Jon Hersey November 3, 2021
When parents are free to vote with their feet and their dollars, they will flock to the schools that best satisfy their standards. Schools that don’t will, instead of teaching, be taught a valuable lesson: Satisfy customers or close your doors.
Politics & Rights
The Case for Vaccine Mandates—Refuted
Jon Hersey October 25, 2021
The COVID vaccines currently available are marvels of human ingenuity. But the decision to get vaccinated or not is one every individual morally must be left free to make for himself.