Politics & Rights
History, Philosophy, Politics & Rights
Terrorism and the Koran
John David Lewis June 11, 2006
Many people in the West maintain that the Koran is opposed to terrorism: the initiation of violence against unarmed civilians to incite terror for a political cause. To many westerners, Bin Laden, et al are motivated by a totalitarian political ideology, not by Islam, and are "hijackers" of Islam, not…
Politics & Rights
Legitimizing the Iranian Theocracy
Alan Germani June 1, 2006
On Wednesday, Condoleezza Rice announced, in so many words, that the US will indefinitely suspend military action against Iran in favor of "diplomacy," giving the theocracy a fresh green light to fund Islamic terrorism and develop nuclear weapons. Despite millennia of evidence to the contrary, the Bush administration clings to…
Ayn Rand & Objectivism, Philosophy, Politics & Rights
Michael Farris Interview on 'Fresh Air'
Alan Germani May 25, 2006
Yesterday on NPR's radio show "Fresh Air" host Terry Gross interviewed Michael Farris, president of the fundamentalist Christian school Patrick Henry College. This regrettably named institution seeks to train home-schooled Christians to be tomorrow's leaders, "ready to reclaim the biblical principles upon which our land was founded." The interview with…
History, Politics & Rights
The Society for Military History: A Report from the Front
John David Lewis May 24, 2006
I just returned from the national conference of the Society for Military History (SMH), held at Kansas State University. I presented a paper on the military campaigns of the Roman Emperor Aurelian, arguing that his use of overwhelming force had resulted in a bloodless collapse of two major threats to…
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
Religion vs. Free Speech
Craig Biddle May 20, 2006
Demonstrates that the tenets of religion are incompatible with the right to free speech, and shows why those who want to establish and maintain freedom of speech must repudiate religion and embrace the rational, secular foundation for rights.
History, Politics & Rights
William Tecumseh Sherman and the Moral Impetus for Victory
John David Lewis May 20, 2006
Presents the essential history of Sherman’s march, showing how Sherman developed and implemented his ideas that lead to the North’s victory in the Civil War, and drawing the moral lessons we can learn from this great man about how to properly approach and quickly defeat enemies of freedom.
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
Welcome, Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Larry Salzman May 18, 2006
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is among the most courageous women (and incidentally among the most beautiful) in the world today. She sought asylum in the Netherlands in 1992 as an escape from an arranged marriage brokered in her native Somalia. When established in Holland she was shocked to find the same…
Economics, Politics & Rights
The Little Dictators
John David Lewis May 15, 2006
America is the land in which productive individuals were largely set free of the coercive power of the government. The result was the most prosperous nation the world has ever seen. But, over the past two generations, our freedom has been subordinated, in myriad ways, to the "Little Dictators" among…
Politics & Rights
A Victory for 'Abstract Concepts of Personal Autonomy'
Larry Salzman May 13, 2006
About a week ago the United States Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit told a lower court that it was wrong to dismiss out of hand and must reconsider a claim "whether the Due Process Clause [of the U.S. Constitution] protects the right of terminally ill patients to decide,…
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
Tribute to Iran
John David Lewis May 12, 2006
The High Muckety-Muck (HMM) of Iran sent President Bush an 18 page letter this week, doubtless with very tiny writing, in which he wrote: Liberalism and Western style democracy have not been able to help realize the ideals of humanity. Today these two concepts have failed. Those with insight can…