Craig Biddle's Articles
Announcements, LevelUp News
The Power and Community of LevelUp
Craig Biddle May 31, 2024
The theme of the first Objective Standard conference was “Philosophy for Freedom and Flourishing.” The tagline was: “Sharpen your mind. Fuel your soul. Excel in life. Fight for liberty.” These have been the theme and aim of our conferences ever since—and with good reason.
Announcements, Politics & Rights
Kiyah Willis on YouTube: A Voice of Reason for Gen Z
Craig Biddle May 10, 2024
OSI fellow Kiyah Willis has launched a YouTube channel, where she’ll be posting commentary on cultural trends and current events from a rational philosophic perspective.
Announcements, LevelUp News
Excel in life. Fight for liberty. Here’s How…
Craig Biddle May 10, 2024
LevelUp is about principles and practices for excelling in life and fighting for liberty. And, when you think about it, these are the most important things in the world.
Announcements, Philosophy
Sam Harris and Alex O’Connor Debate Morality
Craig Biddle April 20, 2024
I was delighted to see that Alex O’Connor recently debated Sam Harris about whether ethics is objective and, if so, on what grounds.
A Note about Plagiarism in a TOS Review
Craig Biddle January 19, 2024
I recently discovered that the review of the Barbie movie published in TOS in September 2023 was largely plagiarized from a video by YouTuber Will Jordan (aka "The Critical Drinker").
Delight Your Friends with the Gift of Clarity
Craig Biddle December 5, 2023
This holiday season, give the gift of clarity. Your friends and family will love it. Now through December 31, you’ll save 50% on gift subscriptions to TOS.
Politics & Rights
Defend Israel and Civilization or Keep the Faith—You Can’t Do Both
Craig Biddle November 23, 2023
The October 7 jihad against Israel woke the West from its evasive slumber. Or did it?
Good Living, Philosophy
Helen Keller’s Five Keys to Being Happy
Craig Biddle August 29, 2023
In 1882, when Helen Keller was nineteen months old, an illness left her blind, deaf, and consequently dumb. But she would go on to live a life of success and happiness. How?
Good Living
On Choosing to Be a Younger Son
Craig Biddle August 29, 2023
If you want to be fully alive and fully engaged in living a beautiful life, bear in mind the difference between the older and younger son—and choose to be the latter.
Good Living, Philosophy, Politics & Rights
Navigating Today’s Seductive and Destructive Language (A Study of Package-Deals and Anti-Concepts)
Craig Biddle May 24, 2023
If we want to understand and protect the values on which human life and liberty depend, we need clear understandings of the terms we use in thinking about them. Toward this end, it is helpful to understand the fallacy that Rand called “package-dealing” and the nature of what she called “anti-concepts.”
Ayn Rand & Objectivism, Philosophy
Debate: Is Objectivism a "Closed System" or an "Open System"?
Craig Biddle May 17, 2023
My debate with Stephen Hicks about whether Objectivism is a closed system or an open system has been posted on YouTube. Check it out—and if you find it clarifying, share it with people you think might appreciate it.
Level Up in Life Like Never Before
Craig Biddle April 20, 2023
To miss this conference is to miss the opportunity of a lifetime. Join us in Phoenix for the most life-enhancing conference of the year—and possibly of your life.
Objective Standard Institute’s Terrific 2022
TOS’s sister organization, Objective Standard Institute (OSI) has had a wonderfully productive year teaching the rising generation about the importance of philosophy, principles of Objectivism, and related ideas for living fully and advancing liberty.
In Memory of Joseph Henry Kroeger, 1937–2022
Craig Biddle November 21, 2022
Joe Kroeger was a delightful man. He was extremely intelligent, highly productive, and enjoyed a long career in the technology sector. But Joe was not merely a man of ability. He also loved human ability.
Announcements, Ayn Rand & Objectivism
Philosophy: Who Needs It Reading Group
Craig Biddle October 11, 2022
I’m excited to announce that I’ll be leading a reading group on one of my favorite books: Ayn Rand’s Philosophy: Who Needs It.