Politics & Rights
Politics & Rights
English Fairy Tales and Persian Nightmares
Craig Biddle October 4, 2006
This one-minute video is worth watching. Note the fervor not only of Ahmadinejad but also of the crowd chanting "Death to America." Lovely people. (Hat Tip to Boaz Arad)
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
Dhimmitude Taking Root
John David Lewis October 3, 2006
USA Today 9/18/06 reports that Muslim cab drivers at Minneapolis–St. Paul Airport are refusing to carry passengers with alcohol—even an unopened bottle of wine—due to their religious beliefs. Drivers are mad because refusing a fare causes them to be sent to the end of the line, and a wait of…
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
Why Our (Long-Overdue) Retaliation Against Iran Should Include Bombing Mosques and Madrassahs
Craig Biddle September 19, 2006
America is not being attacked by bombs or hijacked airplanes or government buildings or military installations. We are being attacked by people—specifically, by Islamists: people who believe the Koran is true, take its precepts seriously, and thus actively seek the submission or destruction of non-believers. Where are Islamists being produced?…
History, Politics & Rights
A Talk by Dr. John Lewis
TOS Admin September 19, 2006
When: Wednesday, September 20, 2006, 7:30pm–10pm Where: New York University, Kimmel Center, Room 914, 60 Washington Square South NY, NY 10012 Five years after Manhattan was viciously attacked by Islamic holy warriors, the world is still held hostage to their rants and their bombs. Iraq is in turmoil, Syria is…
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
A Foreign Policy of Nihilism?
Craig Biddle September 18, 2006
I hesitate to post on this story because its veracity is, as of yet, uncertain; but I cannot resist because, if it is true, it means that our foreign policy is not only altruistic but also, at least partly, nihilistic. KABUL, Afghanistan—The U.S. military said Wednesday it is looking…
Politics & Rights
Military 'Solutions' Don't Work; Try Suicide!
Craig Biddle September 12, 2006
Having observed the various unprincipled positions, non-positions, and evasions of conservatives, liberals, and in-betweenies regarding what to do about Iran, I was surprised this morning to discover a proposal even more boldly suicidal than any yet offered. This from Nicholas Kristof at the New York Times: Iran could be persuaded…
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
A Video from Memri on the Arab and Iranian Reaction to 9/11
Craig Biddle September 11, 2006
This video from Memri is a vivid reminder of how genuinely evil the Islamists are. (As you watch it, bear in mind that, while some religionists are less dedicated than others to their respective creeds, all religions call for acceptance of ideas in the absence of evidence, obedience to a…
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
Relativism and Religion vs. the Lives of Americans
Craig Biddle September 7, 2006
With the anniversary of 9/11 approaching, here are a few facts worth circulating: That over 6,000 Americans have been killed by or in pursuit of Islamic terrorists since September 2001—and that we still have not even attacked, let alone destroyed, the regimes most responsible for their deaths—is a consequence of…
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
How to Solve America's Terrorism Problem in 5 Easy Steps
Craig Biddle August 31, 2006
[caption id="attachment_7131" align="alignright" width="261"] 911[/caption] Here is how America could solve her terrorism problem in 5 easy steps: Stop sacrificing American soldiers to bring "freedom" to savages in Iraq. Pull our soldiers out of that hellhole, and let the savages have their civil war. (Iraq is not and never was…
Philosophy, Politics & Rights, Science & Technology
As Predicted...
Alan Germani August 29, 2006
…by Yaron Brook in this ARI press release, Advanced Cell Technology's attempt to develop a means of harvesting stem cells that meets the approval of religious critics of stem-cell research has failed. From an Australian news source: The breakthrough technique was meant to answer critics at the papal palace, the…