Education & Parenting
Education & Parenting
Hannah Frankman: Rebel Educator
Jon Hersey November 23, 2023
In one way or another, Hannah Frankman has spent most of her life in the alternative education sphere: She was homeschooled, then worked for the college-alternative bootstrapping program Praxis before starting her own alternative education company, Rebel Educator. Here’s how and why she’s helping parents take their children out of government schools.
Education & Parenting, Politics & Rights
Schools Foment Shootings by Undermining Self-Esteem
Jon Hersey April 20, 2023
Not only do many educators and parents fail to encourage and help children learn how to think and become efficacious, they also paint the whole of mankind as incompetent, or worse, self-destructive.
Education & Parenting, Reviews
How to Read a Book: The Classic Guide to Intelligent Reading by Mortimer J. Adler and Charles Van Doren
Tim White March 28, 2023
How to Read a Book was incredibly important and valuable when it was first published in 1940, and it remains so today. It’s so packed with clear, accessible, and oft-overlooked wisdom that even expert readers will find it an indispensable addition to their libraries.
Education & Parenting, Politics & Rights
Bad Schools and What to Do about Them, with Andrew Bernstein
Jon Hersey February 1, 2023
Dr. Andrew Bernstein, author of Why Johnny Still Can’t Read or Write or Understand Math: And What We Can Do About It, recently joined me to discuss the problems with American schools today, along with some inspiring solutions.
Education & Parenting, Politics & Rights
Does Abortion Violate Rights?
Angelica Walker-Werth October 4, 2022
To understand whether abortion violates rights, we need to understand what rights are, where they come from, and how they apply in this context.
Announcements, Education & Parenting
Atlas Academy’s Alternative Education Conference
Jon Hersey September 12, 2022
On Friday, September 30, join our friends at Atlas Academy for their Alternative Education Conference, featuring TOS contributing editor Andrew Bernstein and Montessori consultant Susan Mayclin Stephenson.
Economics, Education & Parenting, Science & Technology
Bryan Caplan on Freedom and Innovation
Angelica Walker-Werth February 21, 2022
At Students for Liberty’s Freer Future Fest in Nashville, I spoke with Dr. Bryan Caplan about freedom and innovation. Caplan is a professor of economics at George Mason University, a scholar at Cato Institute, and the author of four books (plus several in progress), most recently Open Borders: The Science and Ethics of Immigration.
Education & Parenting, Politics & Rights
Shame on MIT for Bowing to a Twitter Mob
Angelica Walker-Werth November 12, 2021
Part of the university administration’s job is to determine who speaks on campus. But to deplatform speakers based on unrelated political views is spineless and contrary to the mission of a university: to seek and share knowledge. Universities ought to stand up to the nonsense of Twitter mobs, not bow to it.
Education & Parenting, Politics & Rights
Public School Pandemonium Teaches a Valuable Lesson
Jon Hersey November 3, 2021
When parents are free to vote with their feet and their dollars, they will flock to the schools that best satisfy their standards. Schools that don’t will, instead of teaching, be taught a valuable lesson: Satisfy customers or close your doors.
Education & Parenting, Philosophy, Politics & Rights
Why I Left America’s Failing Universities: An Interview with Carrie-Ann Biondi
Jon Hersey October 1, 2021
Carrie-Ann Biondi, a philosophy PhD and Aristotle scholar, taught in universities for twenty-five years, becoming associate professor of philosophy at Marymount Manhattan College and chair of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies. But in mid-2020, she jumped ship. Here, she shares why.