Science & Technology
Science & Technology
What’s Your Best Line Exposing the Evil of ObamaCare?
Ari Armstrong November 18, 2013
ObamaCare violates the rights of doctors, patients, and insurers, and is throttling the lives of tens of millions of Americans in myriad ways. One way to fight for the repeal of this monstrous law is to capture and explain aspects of the law or efforts to implement it in pithy…
Science & Technology
Obama’s Answer to How Health Insurers Will Adjust to His Whim: Somehow
Ari Armstrong November 15, 2013
Just as Barack Obama expected health insurance companies to continue offering policies that ObamaCare made impossible to offer, he now expects these companies to magically renew already-cancelled policies—but only for a year. The Washington Post summarizes his November 14 speech: Obama said insurance companies could continue for another year to…
Science & Technology
ObamaCare Ads Tout Keg Mishaps and Promiscuous Sex; Ignore Rights Violations
Ari Armstrong November 14, 2013
A pair of leftist nonprofits in Colorado have funded a series of advertisements promoting ObamaCare among young professionals. One ad, for example, touts the benefits of having insurance if you happen to fall off a beer keg and injure yourself. (Really.) Another ad plays up the fact that ObamaCare forces…
Science & Technology
Prior to Concierge Medicine, My Access to Health Care Was Inferior to that of My Cat
Ari Armstrong November 9, 2013
Although I loved my previous doctor, I had a difficult time scheduling a timely appointment with her. When I last called, I was told I’d have to wait three months to schedule a routine physical. Such delays are not unusual; many Americans—including many of my friends—are having trouble getting in…
Science & Technology
The Left’s ObamaCare Circus
Ari Armstrong November 6, 2013
In his latest op-ed for PJ Media, radiologist Paul Hsieh deciphers the left’s Newspeak regarding ObamaCare. Whereas Obama promised that, under ObamaCare, “If you like your insurance, you can keep it,” now defenders of the law effectively claim, “Losing your insurance is good!” Whereas defenders of ObamaCare once claimed, “You’ll…
Science & Technology
Coloradans Should Kill Fracking Ban for Right Reason
David Biederman November 1, 2013
An editorial in the Denver Post rightly criticizes attempts to ban hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in various Colorado cities, but doesn’t name the fundamental under assault. Anti-fracking activists in Lafayette seek to permanently ban oil and gas extraction, while activists in Broomfield, Boulder, and Fort Collins seek to enact five-year moratoriums…
Science & Technology
Obama’s Audacity of Deceit
Ari Armstrong October 29, 2013
That Barack Obama lied about ObamaCare is now so obvious that even his most strident supporters have trouble ignoring the fact. As NBC reports: President Obama repeatedly assured Americans that after the Affordable Care Act became law, people who liked their health insurance would be able to keep it. But…
Science & Technology
Canadian Anti-Fracking Activists “Peacefully” Hurl Firebombs at Police
David Biederman October 27, 2013
Earlier this month, protesters in New Brunswick, Canada—who for weeks “blockaded a staging area where an energy firm stores its equipment”—hurled molotov cocktails at police, destroyed six police vehicles, and fired at least one gunshot. This “[v]iolence erupted as officers moved in to enforce a court injunction won by the…
Science & Technology
ObamaCare Surprises and Brother’s Keepers
Ari Armstrong October 24, 2013
I’ve already reported anecdotal accounts of insurance premiums going up under ObamaCare (see here and here). A recent study by the Heritage Foundation confirms that insurance hikes under ObamaCare are widespread, with average rates going up in at least 42 states. In a few states premiums are more than doubling.…
Science & Technology
ObamaCare “Exchanges” Are Not Markets
Ari Armstrong October 23, 2013
In his October 21 speech about ObamaCare, Barack Obama used the term “market” or “marketplace” nineteen times to refer to the government-run health-insurance “exchange.” For example, he said: About three weeks ago, as the federal government shut down, the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance marketplaces opened for business across the…