Science & Technology
Announcements, Science & Technology
Exploit the Earth or Die
Craig Biddle August 30, 2007
Exploit the Earth or die. It’s not a threat. It’s a fact. Either man takes the Earth’s raw materials—such as trees, petroleum, aluminum, and atoms—and transforms them into the requirements of his life, or he dies. To live, man must produce the goods on which his life depends; he must…
Science & Technology
Socialism is Anti-Life: Example # 1,375,457
Bob Murphy July 27, 2007
Unmoved by the mass suffering and death caused by socialism throughout the last century, states such as Wisconsin continue to enact socialist programs, shrouding them in the now-invisible garbs of “compassion” for the poor. The unarguable fact that the consequent rationing of goods and soaring costs cause a decline in…
Science & Technology
Doctor Defends Freedom in Medicine
Craig Biddle June 4, 2007
Dr. Paul Hsieh has written an excellent op-ed opposing efforts to socialize medicine in Colorado. It begins: The Colorado Blue Ribbon Commission on Health Care Reform recently selected four health care reform proposals for eventual consideration by the Colorado legislature. Although they differ in their details, these differences are dwarfed…
Science & Technology
Induction and Experimental Method
David Harriman February 20, 2007
Examines the key experiments involved in Galileo’s kinematics and Newton’s optics, identifies the essential methods by which these scientists achieved their discoveries, and illustrates the principle that induction is inherent in valid conceptualization.
Philosophy, Politics & Rights, Science & Technology
As Predicted...
Alan Germani August 29, 2006
…by Yaron Brook in this ARI press release, Advanced Cell Technology's attempt to develop a means of harvesting stem cells that meets the approval of religious critics of stem-cell research has failed. From an Australian news source: The breakthrough technique was meant to answer critics at the papal palace, the…
Philosophy, Science & Technology
Reason Delivers Again
Craig Biddle July 16, 2006
Here are two welcome reports from Medical News Today: Blood Test Predicts Detects Lung Cancer Years Before CT Scan 16 Jul 2006 A new blood test is able to correctly predict non-small-cell lung cancer in patients years before any CT scan can detect it, say researchers from the University of…
Science & Technology
Of Mice and Men
Craig Biddle June 22, 2006
More excellent news about stem cell research, this time from John's Hopkins University: Stem cells taken from mouse embryos have helped paralyzed rats move again, U.S. researchers said on Monday. The study was the best evidence so far that controversial embryonic stem cells might be used to treat people with…
Philosophy, Science & Technology
Altruism: The Morality of Suffering and Death (Exhibit 347R: Organ Donation)
Craig Biddle June 13, 2006
The widespread acceptance of altruism (the fallacious notion that being moral consists in self-sacrificially serving others) causes continuous human suffering and death. Yet another example of this fact is illustrated in a recent article by Dr. Sally Satel (a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute). Because of the widespread…
Philosophy, Science & Technology
Heroes at Harvard
Craig Biddle June 7, 2006
While Bush and company scheme to provide the America-hating Iranian theocracy with nuclear technology, some people are thinking rationally and promoting human life. From the Boston Globe: Harvard scientists announced yesterday that they are beginning an ambitious attempt to create the world's first cloned human embryonic stem cells, bringing the…
Science & Technology
The 19th-Century Atomic War
David Harriman May 20, 2006
Demonstrates the power of philosophy in the field of physics by presenting the 19th-century experimental evidence in support of the atomic theory, and by showing how 19th-century physicists—in the grips of post-Kantian philosophy—belligerently dismissed the evidence and steadfastly denied the existence of atoms.