Science & Technology
Science & Technology
How the FDA Violates Rights and Hinders Health
Stella Daily Zawistowski August 20, 2008
Surveys the history, nature, and consequences of this behemoth government agency; shows that it is impractical and immoral; and indicates how, in the absence of the FDA, the free market could provide the highest possible level of drug safety and efficacy.
Politics & Rights, Science & Technology
Mandatory Health Insurance: Wrong for Massachusetts, Wrong for America
Paul Hsieh August 20, 2008
Identifies the theory behind the Massachusetts mandatory health insurance program, exposes the program as a fiasco, explains why the theory had to fail in practice, and sheds light on the only genuine, rights-respecting means to affordable, accessible health care for Americans.
Science & Technology
Proof of the Atomic Theory
David Harriman May 20, 2008
Surveys the observations, experiments, and generalizations that led to the discovery and validation of the atomic theory of matter; and, using that process of validation as an example, outlines the three criteria that are essential to the proof of any broad theory.
History, Politics & Rights, Science & Technology
Property Rights and the Crisis of the Electric Grid
Raymond C. Niles May 20, 2008
Surveys the history and achievements of America’s electricity entrepreneurs, shows how government interference in the transmission grid has hampered their enterprises from the outset to the present day, and indicates what America must do to liberate the grid and enable a new wave of entrepreneurs to supply this vital product commensurate with the country’s demand.
Politics & Rights, Science & Technology
Remarkable Activism—Addendum
Craig Biddle March 9, 2008
It occurs to me that in my last post I should have acknowledged not only Lin Zinser—the founder and director of FIRM—but also all the writers and activists who have embraced the organization’s mission and contributed to its success: Ari Armstrong, Linn Armstrong, Martin Buchanan, Betty Evans, Linda Gorman, Diana…
Politics & Rights, Science & Technology
Remarkable Activism
Craig Biddle March 7, 2008
Lin Zinser, founder of Freedom and Individual Rights in Medicine (FIRM) and contributor to TOS, has set an outstanding example of how to engage in principled activism. I’ll let her accomplishments speak for themselves—and add only this: Thank you, Lin, for defending man’s right to life. FIRM: Year End Results…
Philosophy, Science & Technology
Isaac Newton: Discoverer of Universal Laws
David Harriman February 20, 2008
Examines key aspects of Newton’s discoveries, shows how he embraced and employed the scientific context established by giants who came before him (such as Galileo and Kepler), and indicates how he rose to even greater heights of explanation through a breathtaking unity of observation, experimentation, conceptual expansion, concept formation, generalization, induction.
Science & Technology
Darwin and the Discovery of Evolution
Keith Lockitch February 20, 2008
Surveys Darwin’s education, work experience, expeditions, and inquiries; examines his observation-based, hands-on approach to gathering data from which to draw conclusions; and highlights the objectivity and truth of his consequent theory of evolution.
Philosophy, Science & Technology
Health Care, Moral Rights, and Selfish Action
Craig Biddle January 9, 2008
Yaron Brook has an excellent article in Forbes titled “The Right Vision of Health Care.” Here’s an excerpt: Prior to the government's entrance into the medical field, health care was regarded as a product to be traded voluntarily on a free market—no different from food, clothing, or any other important…
Science & Technology
Moral Health Care vs. “Universal Health Care”
Surveys the history of government interference in health insurance and medicine in America, specifying the rights violations and economic problems caused thereby; enumerates the failed attempts to solve those economic problems by means of further government interference; and shows that the only viable solution to the debacle at hand is to gradually and systematically transition to a rights-respecting, fully free market in these industries.