Education & Parenting
Education & Parenting, Reviews
Review: Waiting for “Superman,” directed by Davis Guggenheim
Sean Saulsbury November 20, 2010
Sean Saulsbury reviews Waiting for “Superman,” directed by Davis Guggenheim.
Education & Parenting
The Educational Bonanza in Privatizing Government Schools
Andrew Bernstein November 20, 2010
Surveys the ills of government-run schools, shows the general superiority of private schools, zeros in on the reason for the difference, and proposes a radical change from which everyone would benefit.
Education & Parenting
An Interview with John Allison about Pro-Capitalism Programs in American Universities
Craig Biddle August 20, 2010
The banking-magnate-turned-college-professor discusses his and BB&T’s continuing efforts and successes in establishing pro-capitalism programs in American universities.
Education & Parenting
The Montessori Method: Educating Children for a Lifetime of Learning and Happiness
Heike Larson May 20, 2010
Zeros in on the essentials of a Montessori education, showing “its deep respect for the child’s reasoning mind and his need to develop the habit of focusing and concentrating it for sustained periods of time.”
Education & Parenting
Periodic Table of the Sciences
Daniel Wahl March 19, 2010
David Harriman’s Logical Leap: Induction in Physics won’t be available for purchase until this summer. But an interesting application of Harriman’s work on science to the development of an innovative science curriculum is available now—thanks to the Falling Apple Science Institute (which Harriman co-founded with Tom VanDamme). The application is…
Education & Parenting
Does My Child Know Grammar Better Than Me?
Lisa VanDamme April 3, 2009
I would say that a debate is raging in our culture over whether or not we need to preserve the formal rules of grammar, but the sad truth is that there are too few defenders of grammar for a debate to rage. I am lonely in my fervency. Nevertheless, a…
Education & Parenting
Life After VanDamme Academy
Lisa VanDamme January 13, 2009
The following is an interview with Evan Storms, a VanDamme Academy graduate currently in the process of applying to college. Perhaps my favorite part of the interview was his answer to my request for the interview itself: "Considering what I gained from your school, I would write a doctoral thesis…
Education & Parenting
'A Pygmalion of the Soul'
Lisa VanDamme October 9, 2008
"It is a beautiful thing to mold a statue and give it life; it is more beautiful to shape an intelligence and give it truth." —Victor Hugo The first work of literature read in Room 4 this year was Pygmalion, by George Bernard Shaw. The musical My Fair Lady was…
Education & Parenting
Math Magic
Lisa VanDamme September 26, 2008
Most math curricula are an absolute pedagogical mess. I have long known that math programs treat children like human calculators, programming them with processes they use to input numbers and churn out results. But this became poignantly clear to me when I tried to teach my daughter long division this…
Education & Parenting
An Interview with Lisa VanDamme on Education and Objectivism
Craig Biddle April 24, 2008
Michael F. Shaughnessy, a senior columnist for Education News, has published a wonderful interview with Lisa VanDamme. Here are the first two questions and answers: 1) Lisa, first of all, what got you interested in education and teaching? From one perspective, you could say I stumbled upon my career as…