Education & Parenting
Education & Parenting
P is for Pajama Party or Paragraph?
Lisa VanDamme December 4, 2006
Recently, I was visited by a mother frustrated with her son's education and looking for something more. She informed me that mid-way through his kindergarten year, they were still learning their letters—most recently, they had been studying the letter "P." And in honor of the letter "P", they were having…
Education & Parenting
The Real Key to Fixing Science Education
Lisa VanDamme November 30, 2006
Science education is a frequent topic in the news these days. This past Wednesday, Microsoft announced a campaign to improve math and science education in the Seattle area. According to Brad Smith, a senior vice president and general counsel for Microsoft: "We're very concerned about the possibility that our kids…
Education & Parenting
Elementary Students Learn to Be Like Victor Hugo's Bird
Lisa VanDamme November 29, 2006
This year, I have the pleasure of teaching literature to our school's Elementary 1 students, children in second and third grades, a class that includes my own seven-year-old daughter Lana. Their uninhibited enthusiasm for learning, their eager quest to see connections, and their budding insights make them a delight to…
Education & Parenting
Teaching Values in the Classroom
Lisa VanDamme May 20, 2006
Demonstrates the irrational, destructive nature of the three prominent schools of thought in moral education; identifies the fundamental philosophical errors underlying these schools; and presents a rational, life-serving alternative: the proper way to teach values in the classroom.
Education & Parenting
The Hierarchy of Knowledge: The Most Neglected Issue in Education
Lisa VanDamme February 20, 2006
Identifies and provides the solution to a problem that is endemic in education—a problem wreaking havoc on Johnny’s ability to think, understand, and succeed.