Education & Parenting
Ayn Rand & Objectivism, Education & Parenting
More on the Propriety of Donations with 'Strings'
Craig Biddle March 31, 2008
The latest attack on BB&T’s educational donations—and on academic freedom—comes by way of this Charlotte Observer editorial, which opens with the obvious truth that “A public university's faculty and administration—not donors—should have the final say on the content of courses.” The editorial closes with the obvious truth that “it’s wrong…
Ayn Rand & Objectivism, Education & Parenting
Rational 'Strings' are Good Things
Craig Biddle March 25, 2008
“Gifts with Strings a Knotty Issue,” is the latest in a recent stream of articles about academics going berserk because BB&T, under the direction of CEO John Allison, has made contributions to universities with the stipulation that Ayn Rand’s novel Atlas Shrugged be included somewhere in the schools’ curricula. For…
Education & Parenting
VanDamme Academy in the News
Craig Biddle January 28, 2008
Jillian Melchior has written an excellent piece titled " VanDamme Academy Shows Value of Choice" in The Heartland Institute’s School Reform News. Here’s the opening: The VanDamme Academy, a K-8 school in Laguna Hills, California, has an unusual way of giving students a better foundation of knowledge. Founder Lisa VanDamme…
Education & Parenting
Yesterday's Highlights: Stories From Home
Lisa VanDamme November 30, 2007
We at VanDamme Academy love hearing stories about things the students do or say at home that reflect their VanDamme Academy education. I recently asked parents to share some stories from home. Here are a few highlights: Calvin (5): I was talking to Calvin about the upcoming trip to Schoolhouse…
Education & Parenting
Yesterday's Highlights: 'Success'
Lisa VanDamme October 6, 2007
In a letter called "Yesterday's Highlights," I periodically describe my observations of classes to the VanDamme Academy parents. I have decided to share these highlights with readers of this newsletter as well. I hope you enjoy your glimpse into a VanDamme Academy classroom. Dear Parents, This week and last, I…
Education & Parenting
The First Day of School: VanDamme Academy Style
Lisa VanDamme September 25, 2007
I have often been told that, when asked what was special about their VanDamme Academy education, graduates say, "We always understood why we were learning what we were learning." This important effect has many causes, the most significant among them being that what the students are learning is, in fact,…
Education & Parenting
The VanDamme Academy Field Trip
Lisa VanDamme May 29, 2007
In my recent newsletter "The Failure of Field Trips," I explained what is wrong with traditional school outings. The typical field trip is irrelevant to the students' education, either because they have been unprepared to appreciate it by their schooling (e.g., City Hall or the opera) or because it is…
Education & Parenting
The Writing Process: One Step at a Time
Lisa VanDamme May 22, 2007
According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (or NAEP), the average high school student is an incompetent writer. To evaluate their writing ability, testers asked high school juniors to write a paragraph based on notes they were given about a haunted house. The performance of half the students was…
Education & Parenting
The False Promise of Classical Education
Lisa VanDamme May 20, 2007
Examines the allure of classical education, considers both its religious and secular forms, and shows that—although its advocates claim it to be the solution to today's educational wasteland—classical education only contributes to the crippling of children's minds.
Education & Parenting
The Failure of Field Trips
Lisa VanDamme May 3, 2007
Many educators stress the importance of field trips: opportunities to get students out of their desks and away from their books, and to give them direct, vivid, sensory experience with the world around them. Reflecting on my own education, these excursions off campus are indeed some of my most memorable…