Politics & Rights
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
Religion and Relativism: The Axis of Evil (Exhibit 723-B: Ahmadinejad's Visit)
Craig Biddle September 21, 2007
That the Bush administration is permitting Ahmadinejad to enter America for any reason other than to kill him on sight is a moral travesty. But, then, given that Bush and company’s philosophy counsels us to “resist not evil” and “turn the other cheek” and “judge not that ye be not…
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
Regarding the Economic Costs of my Proposed Campaign against Iran
Craig Biddle August 25, 2007
Dear Craig, Thank you for this article on your blog, which I very much enjoyed, especially your "Mafia hitmen" analogy. In your article, you state "The way to accomplish [Iran's defeat] is by waging a massive bombing campaign from high altitude and long distance—and by sustaining this campaign until the…
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
The Bush Administration's Latest Deadly Evasion
Craig Biddle August 23, 2007
The Bush administration’s plan to declare Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist organization is worse than a waste of time: It is an outright evasion of the Iranian assault on America. There is a good reason why the New York City Police Department does not make official pronouncements to the…
Ayn Rand & Objectivism, Philosophy, Politics & Rights
'Loophole': Anti-Euphemism of Statists
Craig Biddle July 25, 2007
Jack Shafer of Slate has written a superb article on the notion of “loophole” titled “Shut Your Loophole.”(Thanks to Brad Malestein for bringing this piece to my attention.) Here’s an excerpt: Upon entering the English language in the late 16th century, the word loophole defined the narrow opening in a…
Announcements, Politics & Rights
'No Substitute for Victory' now in Hebrew
John David Lewis July 22, 2007
I am proud to note that my article, "No Substitute for Victory: The Defeat of Islamic Totalitarianism," has been transmitted into Hebrew. It appears in Nativ: A Journal of Politics and the Arts, vol. 20, n. 3.116 (May - June 2007). Nativ is published by the Ariel Center for Policy…
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
The Rushdie Fatwa and 'Religion vs. Free Speech'
Craig Biddle June 23, 2007
"Cut off the head of Salman Rushdie!" chanted a crowd of Islamists in Pakistan yesterday as calls to murder the “blasphemer” were renewed following his knighthood in Britain. Such barbarism is to be expected from religionists—not just from Muslims, but from any religionists who are neither restrained by a rights-respecting…
History, Politics & Rights
“The Balm for a Guilty Conscience”: Moral Paralysis, Appeasement, and the Causes of World War II
John David Lewis May 20, 2007
Shows how altruism and egalitarianism—combined with guilt caused by these same factors in regard to World War I—led to British appeasement and compromise in the late 1930s, which, in turn, enabled the rise of Nazi Germany and necessitated World War II.
Politics & Rights
Neoconservative Foreign Policy: An Autopsy
Surveys the manifest failure of neoconservative foreign policy, which is alleged to be in America’s “national interest,” zeros in on the fundamental reason for that failure, and calls for the only moral and practical alternative to it: a foreign policy of genuine American self-interest.
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
John Lewis's Talk at GMU
Alan Germani April 25, 2007
Last night, TOS contributor Dr. John Lewis delivered his speech “‘No Substitute for Victory’: The Defeat of Islamic Totalitarianism” to a packed auditorium at George Mason University. Despite a coordinated effort by GMU’s Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) to disrupt the event, Dr. Lewis argued logically and persuasively that…
Politics & Rights
The “Forward Strategy” for Failure
Yaron Brook February 20, 2007
Examines the Bush administration’s so-called war strategy and shows that its manifest failure is a consequence not of good ideas poorly implemented, but of the morally corrupt ideas motivating the administration.