Spring 2006 • Vol. 1, No. 1
Introducing The Objective Standard
Outlines the philosophy on which The Objective Standard is based and indicates what is to come. Continue »
Politics & Rights
“Just War Theory” vs. American Self-Defense
Presents the principles of “Just War Theory”—the disastrous, altruistic theory underlying and guiding the Bush administration’s so-called “War on Terrorism”—and contrasts them with the principles of a proper, egoistic approach to American self-defense.
Education & Parenting
The Hierarchy of Knowledge: The Most Neglected Issue in Education
Identifies and provides the solution to a problem that is endemic in education—a problem wreaking havoc on Johnny’s ability to think, understand, and succeed.
History, Philosophy, Science & Technology
Enlightenment Science and Its Fall
Examines the profound philosophical history surrounding the rise and fall of reason as the recognized method of scientific inquiry in the 18th and 19th centuries.
Exposing Anti-Muslim “Conspiracies”
Surveys and identifies the fundamental cause of the widespread conspiracy theories that plague the Middle East and help convert millions of people into anti-Western lunatics.