Summer 2015 • Vol. 10, No. 2
From the Editor, Summer 2015
Craig Biddle introduces the Summer 2015 edition of The Objective Standard. Continue »
Cover Article
Politics & Rights
U.S. Foreign Policy: What’s the Purpose?
Examines the foreign policies known as “idealism” and “realism,” and presents an alternative U.S. foreign policy called “egoism.”
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
Bosch Fawstin on Islam and Jihad
Fawstin discusses the jihad in Garland, TX, his work as a cartoonist, and what drives him to do what he does. Accompanied by three of Fawstin’s drawings.
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
The New Testament Versus the American Revolution
Shows that (contra conservatives’ claims) the impetus for and actions comprising the American Revolution directly contradict Christian scripture.
History, Politics & Rights
Lessons of the Armenian Genocide
Examines the history of and motive behind this underreported atrocity, finding the cause to be a combination of mysticism (Islam) and collectivism (racism).
Economics, Politics & Rights
A Parable for Thomas Piketty
If everyone’s rights are equally protected under the law, it does not matter, morally speaking, that we do not earn or possess equal wealth. What matters is that everyone is free to live and produce and prosper in accordance with his own choices, efforts, and actions.
Good Living, Philosophy
Ryan Holiday on Turning Obstacles to Advantages
Marketing strategist Ryan Holiday discusses how to turn obstacles to advantages, which is the theme of his best-selling book, The Obstacle Is the Way.
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
Dr. Avijit Roy: A Man of Reason Murdered by Jihadists
Machete-wielding jihadists in Bangladesh hacked to death American secularist author and blogger Dr. Avijit Roy for "insulting Islam." The jihadists also hacked Roy’s wife, severely injuring her and cutting off one of her fingers. She remains hospitalized. Our hearts and thoughts go out to the couple’s friends and family.
Politics & Rights
Libertarians: “Terrorism Poses No Existential Threat to America”
It is true that Islamic terrorists won’t eliminate America anytime soon. But to imply that they pose no threat to America because they won’t eliminate America is absurd. A threat to the lives and rights of Americans is a threat to the very values that America exists to protect. The phrase “threat to America” means “threat to Americans.”
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Clarion Call for Islamic Reformation
Ayaan Hirsi Ali calls for Muslim dissidents to lead a reformation regarding the way in which Muslims approach Islam. Ali's project is a vital form of activism that, coupled with other necessary initiatives, can eventually end the threat of Islamic jihad.
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
Ted Cruz’s Presidential Campaign Launch: Good and Bad
Senator Ted Cruz—who may prove to be the best (or least-bad) candidate America will see in the 2016 presidential race—just launched his campaign for the presidency in a markedly mixed way.
Politics & Rights
Religious Freedom Laws vs. Equal Protection of Rights
Religious freedom laws (such as Indiana recently passed) legally discriminate against non-religious people, and are contrary to the principle that the government ought to protect the rights of all individuals. As such, laws that favor protecting certain group should be replaced with freedom laws—laws that establish freedom for everyone equally.
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
Rand Paul’s Presidential Campaign Launch: Good and Bad
Senator Rand Paul's presidential campaign announcement was mixed and fishy, and his foreign policy claims lack credibility.
Economics, Politics & Rights
Gwyneth Paltrow’s SNAP Food Stamp Farce
The deeper problem with Paltrow’s cause is that it presumes that taking wealth from some people by force and handing it to others is moral. It is not. Individuals have a moral right to use their wealth as they see fit. In no case may government morally seize people’s wealth by force and turn it over to others.
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
Marco Rubio’s Presidential Campaign Launch: Good and Bad
Marco Rubio's campaign announcement indicates that he would half-heartedly reign in some taxes and regulations, while energetically advancing his faith-based agenda.
Book and Film Reviews
Good Living, Reviews
Ryan Holiday’s The Obstacle Is the Way: A Toolbox for Success
Success is possible, but not guaranteed. We can achieve our dreams, but only if we direct our thought and effort toward them. Difficulties, roadblocks, obstacles are a part of life, and Ryan Holiday’s The Obstacle is the Way is a great resource for learning how to turn these obstacles into opportunities.
Economics, Good Living, Reviews
Good to Great, by Jim Collins
A review of Jim Collins’s Good to Great.
Good Living, History, Reviews
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
A review of Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography.
Good Living, Reviews
Simon Sinek’s Start with Why Shows What Distinguishes Great Business Leaders
How did Herb Kelleher, founder of Southwest Airlines, build the most profitable airline in America? In Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Action, Simon Sinek shows that what separates fabulously successful business leaders such as Kelleher from mediocre leaders is their clarity in defining why they do what they do.
Arts & Culture, Reviews
The Story of Art, by E. H. Gombrich
A review of E. H. Gombrich’s The Story of Art.
Arts & Culture, Reviews
The Artist's Complete Guide to Figure Drawing, by Anthony Ryder
A review of Anthony Ryder’s The Artist’s Complete Guide to Figure Drawing.
Arts & Culture, Reviews
Whiplash and the Quest for Greatness
At its heart, Whiplash is the story of a young man who strives for greatness in his chosen career and who struggles to overcome the failings of his overbearing mentor to do so. The film is inspiring, not only because it portrays the quest for greatness, but because the people who created the film achieved greatness in their work.
Arts & Culture, Reviews
Grand Budapest Hotel Worth a Visit
Don’t be fooled by the pastel exterior of The Grand Budapest Hotel. Although laced with comedic elements, this is a serious film with important things to say about suffering and hope, betrayal and courage, brutality and love. It is strange but worth a visit.