Fall 2011 • Vol. 6, No. 3

Politics & Rights
9/11 Ten Years Later: The Fruits of the Philosophy of Self-Abnegation
Examines the essence of this approach and what it’s delivered so far.
Ayn Rand & Objectivism, Politics & Rights
Ayn Rand’s Theory of Rights: The Moral Foundation of a Free Society
Examines Ayn Rand's theory of rights in contrast to theories of God-given, government-granted, and "natural" rights.
Politics & Rights
A Critique of Representative Paul Ryan’s “Path to Prosperity”
Examines and grades various components of Rep. Paul Ryan’s “Path to Prosperity,” which, although rejected in the Senate, is perhaps the best plan put forth by an elected official to date about how to deal with America’s financial crisis.
Politics & Rights
An Interview with John R. Bolton on the Proper Role of Government
Craig Biddle interviews John R. Bolton about individualism, foreign policy, and good government.
Politics & Rights
An Interview with Governor Gary Johnson on What He Would Do as President
David Baucom interviews Gary Johnson about the Tea Party, his run for president, and more.
Politics & Rights
The Mastermind behind SEAL Team Six and the End of Osama bin Laden
Surveys the history and principles that have given rise to the breathtaking competence of U.S. special operations forces, and finds that one man is primarily responsible.
Arts & Culture
An Interview with Sculptor Sandra J. Shaw
Craig Biddle interviews Sandra J. Shaw about sculpting.
Book and Film Reviews
Arts & Culture, Reviews
Review: Captain America: The First Avenger
C. A. Wolski reviews Captain America: The First Avenger, directed by Joe Johnston.
Arts & Culture, Reviews
Review: Lifting King Kong
Daniel Wahl reviews Lifting King Kong, directed by Park Geon-yong.
Politics & Rights, Reviews
Review: A Time to Betray, by Reza Kahlili
Daniel Wahl reviews A Time to Betray: The Astonishing Double Life of a CIA Agent Inside the Revolutionary Guards of Iran, by Reza Kahlili.
Philosophy, Reviews
Review: Nomad, by Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Joseph Kellard reviews Nomad, by Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
History, Reviews
Review: The Fear, by Peter Godwin
Daniel Wahl reviews The Fear: Robert Mugabe and the Martyrdom of Zimbabwe, by Peter Godwin.
Economics, Reviews
Review: The Bourgeois Virtues, by Deirdre N. McCloskey
Richard M. Salsman reviews The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce, by Deirdre N. McCloskey.
History, Reviews
Review: Gauntlet, by Barbara Masin
John Cerasuolo reviews Gauntlet: Five Friends, 20,000 Enemy Troops, and the Secret That Could Have Changed the Course of the Cold War, by Barbara Masin.
History, Reviews
Review: Crashing Through, by Robert Kurson
Daniel Wahl reviews Crashing Through: The Extraordinary True Story of the Man Who Dared to See, by Robert Kurson.
Reviews, Science & Technology
Review: The Extra 2%, by Jonah Keri
Daniel Wahl reviews The Extra 2%: How Wall Street Strategies Took a Major League Baseball Team from Worst to First, by Jonah Keri.
Reviews, Science & Technology
Review: Delivering Happiness, by Tony Hsieh
Daniel Wahl reviews Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose, by Tony Hsieh.
Arts & Culture, Reviews
Review: My Lucky Life In and Out of Show Business, by Dick Van Dyke
Daniel Wahl reviews My Lucky Life In and Out of Show Business: A Memoir, by Dick Van Dyke.
Education & Parenting
Letters and Replies: Health Insurance, Tax Credits
Michael A. LaFerrara answers a letter about tax credits for education.