Fall 2006 • Vol. 1, No. 3

Politics & Rights
The Decline and Fall of American Conservatism
Examines today's putatively splintered conservative movement, zeros in on the essence of its two dominant factions, and shows the movement to be only superficially split while fundamentally unified—and stultified—by the conservatives' universal acceptance of a morality that is antithetical to liberty.
Arts & Culture, History, Philosophy
19th-Century French Painting and Philosophy
Examines the relationship between art and fundamental philosophic ideas by considering the Kantian notion that man cannot know reality by means of reason—a notion that became increasingly prevalent over the course of the 1800s—in connection with the works and words of 19th-century French painters and art critics, who, correspondingly, became increasingly hostile to reason over the same period. The article is accompanied by fifty-eight color images of the paintings discussed, which range from the sublime to the grotesque.
Politics & Rights
The Jihad on America
Elucidates the fundamental ideas behind, and the principal sponsors of, the Islamic assault on America by reference to the words and deeds of its adherents and supporters-words and deeds that westerners in general and Americans in particular must understand if we are to eliminate this anti-life movement before it eliminates more of us.
Letters and Replies, Fall 2006
John David Lewis replies to letters about William Tecumseh Sherman, and Yaron Brook and Alex Epstein reply to a letter about just war theory.