Jon Hersey's Articles
Announcements, LevelUp News
Live Interview with Richard Salsman about J.B. Say, Ayn Rand, and Economics
Jon Hersey May 7, 2018
Tune in to learn more about Salsman’s TOS-Con 2018 presentation: “Jean-Baptiste Say, Ayn Rand, and Objective Economics.”
Biographies, History
Benjamin Franklin: The Enlightenment Personified
Jon Hersey April 26, 2018
If you’re not familiar with Franklin’s life and accomplishments, then you’re missing out on one of the most inspiring and instructive stories in world history.
Arts & Culture, Politics & Rights
Want a Fun Way to Keep Up with Trump’s Ridiculous Tweets?
Jon Hersey April 26, 2018
Can a president use his pardon power on himself, and if so, can he pardon himself via tweet? Find out by listening to this fun podcast.
Announcements, LevelUp News
Live Interview with Richard Salsman about J.B. Say, Ayn Rand, and Economics
Jon Hersey March 25, 2018
Tune in to learn more about Salsman’s TOS-Con 2018 presentation: “Jean-Baptiste Say, Ayn Rand, and Objective Economics.”
Science & Technology
Google’s Triumph of Relevance over Stickiness
Jon Hersey March 20, 2018
Whereas others prioritized stickiness, Google prioritized relevance and reliability. Whereas others played the role of the clingy friend who tried to hold your attention, Google simply pointed you in the right direction.
Announcements, LevelUp News
Live Interview on Achieving Financial Freedom, with David Veksler
Jon Hersey March 16, 2018
Tune in to learn more about David Veksler’s TOS-Con 2018 presentation: “Radical Strategies for Achieving Financial Freedom.”
Announcements, LevelUp News
Live Interview on Alexander Hamilton’s Legacy, with Robert Begley
Jon Hersey March 13, 2018
Was Alexander Hamilton a freedom fighter or a statist? Tune in on TOS's Facebook page Sunday (Mar. 18) at 7:00pm EST for a discussion with Robert Begley.
Henry Ford on the Justice of Income Inequality
Jon Hersey March 6, 2018
Although income inequality is pitched as a modern and escalating problem requiring new regulations and redistributive measures, Henry Ford understood the factors that determine a man’s income, or lack thereof, as far back as 1922.
Announcements, LevelUp News
Live Interview with Carrie-Ann Biondi about Aristotle and Ayn Rand on Flourishing
Jon Hersey March 5, 2018
Tune in on TOS’s Facebook page to learn more about Dr. Biondi’s TOS-Con presentation: “Aristotle and Ayn Rand on Flourishing.”
Announcements, Good Living, LevelUp News
Derek Magill on Building a Career You’ll Love
Jon Hersey February 28, 2018
"Many people think you have to go get some sort of third-party permission or something. . . . And the reality is you can skip a lot of that stuff if you just get started making things that are valuable to other people.” —Derek Magill
Announcements, LevelUp News
Live Interview with Jim Brown on Intellectual Activism
Jon Hersey February 27, 2018
Join me this Wednesday (Feb. 28) at 8:30 EST / 5:30 PST for a chat with Jim Brown, CEO of the Ayn Rand Institute. We'll discuss Mr. Brown’s TOS-Con presentation: “Intellectual Activism for Fun and Profit.”
History, Politics & Rights
Happy Birthday, George Washington!
Jon Hersey February 22, 2018
Washington recognized that we must choose daily to support freedom. Otherwise, we lose it, bit by bit, to those who favor force and tyranny.
Announcements, LevelUp News
Live Interview: Derek Magill on Building a Career You Love, Promoting Yourself, and more . . .
Jon Hersey February 19, 2018
Want to build a career around things you love? Tune in Wednesday, and education entrepreneur Derek Magill will answer your questions live.
Announcements, LevelUp News
Live Interview with Timothy Sandefur on Frederick Douglass
Jon Hersey February 13, 2018
Celebrate Frederick Douglass's 200th birthday with Timothy Sandefur, author of the new book Frederick Douglass: Self-Made Man.
Announcements, LevelUp News
Live Interview with Alex Epstein about TOS-Con 2018
Jon Hersey February 8, 2018
Tune in to learn more about Epstein’s two TOS-Con presentations: “The Human Flourishing Project” and “How to Communicate with Clarity and Impact.”