Jon Hersey's Articles
Good Living, Philosophy
Life-Enhancing Ideas from Alex Epstein’s Human Flourishing Project
Jon Hersey September 17, 2019
Alex Epstein’s Human Flourishing Project is loaded with life-enhancing ideas. Here’s a resource to help you retain and implement them.
History, Philosophy, Politics & Rights
Obscure Manuscript Further Reveals John Locke’s Intellectual Honesty
Jon Hersey September 11, 2019
Locke’s intellectual honesty was the root of all of his achievements—and it’s on display in his newly uncovered “Reasons for Tolerateing Papists.”
Announcements, Ayn Rand & Objectivism
Scholarship Available to Study Objectivism
Jon Hersey September 9, 2019
If you have a degree related to philosophy, politics, or economics and would love to study Ayn Rand’s ideas in greater depth, you could win a scholarship to do so.
Arts & Culture, Philosophy
‘Awesome without Allah’: Helping Muslims Leave Islam
Jon Hersey September 5, 2019
Ditching Islam is a necessary step toward a truly human life for millions of Muslims all over the world, and Ex-Muslims of North America is helping many to take that step.
Biographies, History, Philosophy, Politics & Rights
John Locke: The Father of Liberalism
Jon Hersey August 21, 2019
Those who built America—the freest and most moral country on earth—stood on the shoulders of John Locke. We who fight for individual rights and freedom today stand on his shoulders, too.
Supporters of Freedom and Flourishing, Thank You!
Jon Hersey August 16, 2019
TOS-Con 2019 was a truly extraordinary growth experience for me, and from what I’ve heard, for many others. Thank you to all who attended and who made it possible. I look forward to seeing you at TOS-Con 2020!
Arts & Culture, History
The Man Who Electrified Music
Jon Hersey August 10, 2019
Though he never sought the spotlight nor learned to play guitar, Leo Fender’s creations, including the Telecaster, Precision Bass, and Stratocaster, opened the door for countless young players—and for a revolution in music.
Announcements, Ayn Rand & Objectivism, History, Politics & Rights
FEEcon 2019: Sprouting Optimism, Growing Liberty
Jon Hersey June 20, 2019
The intelligence, passion for ideas, and interest in moral foundations demonstrated by FEEcon speakers and attendees give lovers of liberty reason for optimism.
Good Living, Science & Technology
Deriving More Joy from One of Life’s Richest Sources
Jon Hersey June 5, 2019
Thanks to relationship scientists, we have more tools than ever to wring ever more joy from one of life’s richest sources: romantic love.
FEE’s Third Annual FEEcon, June 13–15
Jon Hersey June 4, 2019
Join hundreds of students, thought leaders, and industry professionals to celebrate the power that free individuals have to transform their lives and change the world.
Arts & Culture, Good Living
TOS-Con Speaker Spotlight: Robin Field
Jon Hersey June 4, 2019
I didn’t realize the extent to which I had become relatively apathetic toward music—until last year when that apathy abruptly dissipated.
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
Liberating Public Lands
Jon Hersey May 21, 2019
Public lands are a drain on American citizens and a barrier to the production of life-serving values. If we want to stop wasting potential resources and, instead, use them to enrich our lives, we must privatize public lands.
‘Sense Being Preferable to Sound’
Jon Hersey May 2, 2019
After a town named itself in honor of Benjamin Franklin, someone suggested that he acknowledge the tribute by supplying a church bell. Franklin, a "thorough Deist," proposed a different gift.
Announcements, Education & Parenting
Craig and Sarah Biddle on Parenting, at TOS-Con 2019
Jon Hersey May 2, 2019
We want our children to live wonderful, happy lives. How can we help them to become independent thinkers and rational decision makers so they will?
History, Philosophy, Reviews, Science & Technology
John Locke and Natural Philosophy by Peter Anstey
Jon Hersey April 26, 2019
Peter Anstey reveals how John Locke’s pessimism about a science of nature began evaporating in light of Isaac Newton’s achievements.