From the Editor, Winter 2010
Craig Biddle November 20, 2010
Craig Biddle introduces the Winter 2010–11 issue.
Craig Biddle's Appearance on Frank Beckmann Show to be Rescheduled
TOS Admin November 1, 2010
Craig Biddle's scheduled appearance on the Frank Beckmann Show this morning (Mon, Nov 1) has been cancelled due to pressing election news. It will be rescheduled as soon as possible.
"Epistemology is a Moral Matter," a Talk by Craig Biddle
TOS Admin October 17, 2010
Craig Biddle will present “Epistemology is a Moral Matter” at the North Texas Objectivist Society (NTOS) on Friday, Oct 22, at 7:00 p.m. The next evening, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., Mr. Biddle will participate in a Q&A period about his work and Objectivism. And following the Q&A, NTOS will…
The Winners of the First Annual TOS Essay Contest
Craig Biddle October 17, 2010
The winners of the first annual TOS essay contest are: First Place, winning $2,000 and publication of her essay in TOS: Deborah Sloan, “Capitalism: The Forgotten American Dream” Second Place, winning $750: Kristian Kanya, “Realizing the Good Life: On the Moral Foundation of Capitalism” Third Place, winning $300: Caitlin McLean,…
From the Editor, Fall 2010
Craig Biddle August 20, 2010
Craig Biddle introduces the Fall 2010 issue.
TOS Subscription Upgrades
TOS Admin July 13, 2010
Due to popular demand, we have created a quick-and-easy means of upgrading to our new Audio, E-book, and Premium subscriptions. If you wish to upgrade, simply click on the Renew/Upgrade button in the navigation bar, log in, and make your selection. Upgrade prices based on your existing subscription and…
OCON Workshop on Starting and Growing an Objectivist Community Club
TOS Admin June 29, 2010
If you are attending OCON next week and have any interest in starting an Objectivist community club in your hometown, this is a good opportunity to learn from those who have a successful track record in such ventures: Join the workshop at OCON. Learn how to start & grow…
The Summer Issue of TOS
Craig Biddle June 28, 2010
The print edition of the Summer issue has been mailed; the online and e-book versions have been posted to our website; and the audio version will be posted on Wednesday, June 30. (Due to production setbacks, the print edition mailed a few days late. I apologize for the delay.) The…
New TOS Subscription Options and Pricing
Craig Biddle June 21, 2010
I'm pleased to announce three new TOS subscription options and a substantially reduced price on our online-only subscriptions. The new subscription formats are audio, e-book, and premium. The Audio subscription (which includes access to the website or HTML edition) provides MP3 versions of TOS articles and reviews that can be…
From the Editor, Summer 2010
Craig Biddle May 20, 2010
Craig Biddle introduces the Summer 2010 issue.