From the Editor, Spring 2007
Craig Biddle introduces the Spring 2007 issue of The Objective Standard.
This issue of TOS kicks off our second year of publication with all the clarity, cogency, and depth you have come to expect from this journal. In the lead article “The ‘Forward Strategy’ for Failure,” Yaron Brook and Elan Journo examine the Bush administration’s so-called war strategy and show that its manifest failure is a consequence not of good ideas poorly implemented, but of the morally corrupt ideas motivating the administration.
In “The Rise and Fall of Ancient Greek Justice: Homer to the Sermon on the Mount,” Robert Mayhew surveys the ancient Greek conception of justice and shows how this relatively healthy idea is later twisted into utter malignancy by Christianity.
In “Induction and Experimental Method,” David Harriman examines the key experiments involved in Galileo’s kinematics and Newton’s optics, identifies the essential methods by which these scientists achieved their discoveries, and illustrates the principle that induction is inherent in valid conceptualization.
Finally, in “Egoism Explained,” Diana Hsieh reviews Tara Smith’s latest book, Ayn Rand’s Normative Ethics: The Virtuous Egoist, and finds it to be a welcome addition to the existing literature on the Objectivist ethics—and a sizable challenge for critics of egoism.
Enjoy the articles, share them with your friends, and spread the word about TOS. No one concerned with the future should be without this journal today.
—Craig Biddle
Editor and Publisher