Science & Technology
History, Science & Technology
Walt Disney’s EPCOT: The City of Tomorrow that Might Have Been
Gretchen Thomas February 20, 2011
Shows how this man of the mind designed and strove to develop a city of technology, industry, and commerce like none other to this day.
Science & Technology
James J. Hill and the Great Northern Railroad
Talbot Manvel February 20, 2011
Tells the story of how a real-life Nat Taggart created one of the most life-serving industrial concerns ever to grace the face of the Earth.
Science & Technology
Health Care and the Separation of Charity and State
Paul Hsieh February 20, 2011
Elucidates the proper roles of government and charity in health care.
Reviews, Science & Technology
Review: Appetite for America, by Stephen Fried
Jules Klapper November 20, 2010
Jules Klapper reviews Appetite for America: How Visionary Businessman Fred Harvey Built a Railroad Hospitality Empire That Civilized the Wild West, by Stephen Fried.
Science & Technology
Andrew Carnegie: The Richest Man in the World
Scott Holleran November 20, 2010
Surveys the life of the great tycoon and finds him to be rich in more ways than one.
Politics & Rights, Science & Technology
The "Green" Agenda, the Cost of Energy, and the Price of Freedom
Daniel Wahl October 11, 2010
Investor’s Business Daily recently exposed one of the lies behind the Energy Department’s efforts to force Americans to be “more green.” The department reportedly claims the new [energy efficiency] standards will save consumers from $250 billion to $300 billion on their energy costs through 2030. But that’s what Democrats always…
History, Science & Technology
Herman Boerhaave: The Nearly Forgotten Father of Modern Medicine
Richard G. Parker August 20, 2010
Looks at the accomplishments and legacy of a great hero of science, Herman Boerhaave, the nearly forgotten father of modern medicine, who may well be responsible for the fact that you are still alive.
Science & Technology
The Curious Life of Richard Feynman
Daniel Wahl August 20, 2010
Examines the life of Richard Feynman, and finds this great scientist and educator to be heroic in more ways than meet the eye.
Science & Technology
A Prescription for America’s Health Care Ills
Stella Daily Zawistowski August 20, 2010
Compares and contrasts the cost, quality, and accessibility of government-regulated, rights-violating medicine with that of free-market, rights-respecting medicine and finds, once again, that the moral is the practical.
Reviews, Science & Technology
Review: The Beginnings of Western Science, by David C. Lindberg
Frederick Seiler May 20, 2010
Frederick Seiler reviews The Beginnings of Western Science: The European Scientific Tradition in Philosophical, Religious, and Institutional Context, Prehistory to A.D. 1450, 2nd ed., by David C. Lindberg.