Real Fake News
Real Fake News
CDC Recommends against Americans Making New Year’s Resolutions
This just in from TOS’s Fake News department: As Americans were preparing to ring in the new year on Thursday, the Centers for Disease Control dashed widespread hopes for a return to some semblance of normalcy in 2021, recommending that Americans refrain from making New Year’s resolutions.
Real Fake News
Nintendo Ends Mario-Tocracy with ‘Woke’ Rereleases
Keith Sanders December 22, 2020
Nintendo announced on Tuesday that it is rereleasing classic titles with radically new game designs following a collaboration with Yale professor Daniel Markovits, author of the New York Times best-selling book The Meritocracy Trap.
Real Fake News
Bernie Sanders and AOC Release Plan to End Thanksgiving
As Americans stock up on french-fried onions and cranberry sauce, Senator Bernie Sanders and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez announce the latest addition to the Green New Deal.