Philosophy, Politics & Rights
Relativism and Religion vs. the Lives of Americans
Craig Biddle September 7, 2006
With the anniversary of 9/11 approaching, here are a few facts worth circulating: That over 6,000 Americans have been killed by or in pursuit of Islamic terrorists since September 2001—and that we still have not even attacked, let alone destroyed, the regimes most responsible for their deaths—is a consequence of…
Jesus on Family Values and Self-Love
Craig Biddle September 2, 2006
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14:26) Offer this as "grace" at a dinner table full of Christians. It makes for interesting conversation.
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
How to Solve America's Terrorism Problem in 5 Easy Steps
Craig Biddle August 31, 2006
[caption id="attachment_7131" align="alignright" width="261"] 911[/caption] Here is how America could solve her terrorism problem in 5 easy steps: Stop sacrificing American soldiers to bring "freedom" to savages in Iraq. Pull our soldiers out of that hellhole, and let the savages have their civil war. (Iraq is not and never was…
Philosophy, Politics & Rights, Science & Technology
As Predicted...
Alan Germani August 29, 2006
…by Yaron Brook in this ARI press release, Advanced Cell Technology's attempt to develop a means of harvesting stem cells that meets the approval of religious critics of stem-cell research has failed. From an Australian news source: The breakthrough technique was meant to answer critics at the papal palace, the…
Arts & Culture, History, Philosophy
19th-Century French Painting and Philosophy
Dianne Durante August 20, 2006
Examines the relationship between art and fundamental philosophic ideas by considering the Kantian notion that man cannot know reality by means of reason—a notion that became increasingly prevalent over the course of the 1800s—in connection with the works and words of 19th-century French painters and art critics, who, correspondingly, became increasingly hostile to reason over the same period. The article is accompanied by fifty-eight color images of the paintings discussed, which range from the sublime to the grotesque.
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
Hezbollah Murders 56 Lebanese, Including 34 Children
Craig Biddle July 31, 2006
When the U.S. dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing over 200,000 people, those people were murdered by imperial Japan. Likewise, when Israel bombs a Hezbollah-infested village in Lebanon, killing 56 people, those people are murdered by Hezbollah. In circumstances such as these, there is a difference between the…
Arts & Culture, Philosophy
God's Word Cast in Plastic
Alan Germani July 17, 2006
If you want a good laugh—at the expense of a bad book—check out the work of Brendan Powell Smith at Smith explains the project and its beginnings in the introduction to his first book, The Brick Testament: Stories from the Book of Genesis: There I was enjoying a leisurely…
Philosophy, Science & Technology
Reason Delivers Again
Craig Biddle July 16, 2006
Here are two welcome reports from Medical News Today: Blood Test Predicts Detects Lung Cancer Years Before CT Scan 16 Jul 2006 A new blood test is able to correctly predict non-small-cell lung cancer in patients years before any CT scan can detect it, say researchers from the University of…
History, Philosophy, Politics & Rights
Gay Marriage and Rights vs. Democracy
Alan Germani July 11, 2006
The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court has ruled that the rights of homosexuals can be violated by majority vote. This Reuters piece reports that a popular vote on the issue of gay marriage could occur in 2008. Such a vote would place the rights of Massachusetts homosexuals at the mercy of…
History, Philosophy, Politics & Rights
On a Deluded America
John David Lewis June 28, 2006
Diana West has written a fiery op-ed that, on its face, seems to provide a well-needed antidote to the moral platitudes that are preventing America from ridding the world of savage brutes ("Deluded America," Washington Times, June 23, 2006). Certainly the defenders of America will be energized to read: If…