Announcements, Ayn Rand & Objectivism, Philosophy, Politics & Rights
The Source and Nature of Rights, Part III
TOS Admin January 15, 2010
Part three of Craig Biddle’s six-hour seminar The Source and Nature of Rights has been posted to UFM’s website and is accessible for free. In this section, Mr. Biddle continues his discussion of Ayn Rand’s ethics and theory of rights.
Philosophy, Reviews
Review: Islamic Imperialism: A History, by Efraim Karsh
Andrew Lewis November 20, 2009
Andrew Lewis reviews Islamic Imperialism: A History, by Efraim Karsh.
Objective Moral Values: Basic Human Needs
Craig Biddle November 20, 2009
Zeros in on the nature of objective, life-serving values; demonstrates that man’s most fundamental value is his faculty of reason; and shows that both physical survival and spiritual health require keeping one’s thinking tied to reality (via reason) so that one’s ideas, values, actions, and emotions correspond to reality, too.
Letters and Replies, Winter 2009–2010
Craig Biddle answers a letter regarding “the status of the choice to live.”
History, Philosophy, Politics & Rights
The Berlin Wall and the Meaning of its Fall
Craig Biddle November 10, 2009
Here’s a superb 2-part discussion by Yaron Brook and Onkar Ghate about the history of the Berlin Wall and the significance of its fall.
Philosophy, Politics & Rights, Science & Technology
Praying Won't Make It So
Stella Daily Zawistowski November 5, 2009
I'm a second-year student in the Objectivist Academic Center, and the class is currently working through the difference between the metaphysically given (such as the law of gravity) and the man-made (such as traffic laws). The man-made is the result of choice, and as such is subject to praise or…
Announcements, Philosophy
Rationally Selfish Radio with Dr. Diana Hsieh
Craig Biddle September 27, 2009
I’d like to recommend a new podcast program called Rationally Selfish Radio, hosted by Dr. Diana Hsieh. Dr. Hsieh posts two podcasts per week, discussing a broad spectrum of topics—from how an introvert can meet people, to the conditions under which a person can morally accept an inheritance, to the…
How Morality is Grounded in Reality
Craig Biddle August 20, 2009
Presents Ayn Rand’s solution to the so-called “is–ought” problem and shows how she identified the requirements of man’s life as the objective standard of moral value.
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
The Creed of Sacrifice vs. The Land of Liberty
Craig Biddle August 20, 2009
Examines the morality of altruism, exposing its incompatibility with the basic principle of America (i.e., individual rights), identifying its philosophic roots, and showing that if Americans want to save America, they must repudiate this creed, root and branch.
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
Jewish Settlements and Israeli Law
John David Lewis July 29, 2009
We are hearing a lot now about Israel’s creation of “Jewish” settlements on “Palestinian land.” These settlements are created, we are often told, to extend the “apartheid state” of Israel by squeezing out the local populations and establishing a superior Jewish ruling class. Typical here is CBS News anchor Bob…