History, Politics & Rights
The Day Communism Crumbled: Remembering the Fall of the Berlin Wall
Craig Biddle November 9, 2009
Here’s a great discussion with Yaron Brook and Terry Jones on PJTV about the fall of the Berlin Wall. (Free registration may be required.) http://www.pjtv.com/?cmd=video&video-id=2681
History, Politics & Rights
20th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall
Craig Biddle November 9, 2009
Here’s a nicely done video by the folks at CEI commemorating the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall (HT Michelle Minton): https://www.youtube.com/v/6bw5pFiTeb0
The Rise of American Big Government: A Brief History of How We Got Here
Michael Dahlen August 20, 2009
Focuses on the historical details of how American government, fueled by altruism, has become the rights-violating, economy-wrecking behemoth it is today.
History, Science & Technology
Energy at the Speed of Thought: The Original Alternative Energy Market
Alex Epstein May 20, 2009
Surveys the history of the U.S. energy industry, with special emphasis on oil as the lifeblood of the modern world and on freedom as the condition that enabled oilmen to make it flow.
History, Politics & Rights
Leftist Fantasy vs. the True Story of the Atomic Bombs
Craig Biddle May 2, 2009
Bill Whittle of PJTV annihilates the leftist fantasy, most recently espoused by Jon Stewart, that our atom bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was “immoral,” and that Harry Truman was a “war criminal.” Whittle shows that our use of the atomic bombs saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of American…
Lest We Be Doomed to Repeat It
Ari Armstrong February 20, 2009
Provides an essentialized chronology of the era, focusing on the (ominously familiar sounding) policies of Herbert Hoover and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
History, Reviews
Review: Better Day Coming, by Adam Fairclough
Gus Van Horn November 20, 2008
Gus Van Horn reviews Better Day Coming: Blacks and Equality, 1890–2000, by Adam Fairclough.
History, Reviews
Review: First into Nagasaki, by George Weller
John David Lewis August 20, 2008
John David Lewis reviews First into Nagasaki: The Censored Eyewitness Dispatches on Post-Atomic Japan and Its Prisoners of War, by George Weller.
Economics, History
Vindicating Capitalism: The Real History of the Standard Oil Company
Alex Epstein May 20, 2008
Examines the inception and rise of Standard Oil, demonstrates that the company’s immense success was the result not of so-called “anti-competitive” practices or “predatory pricing” but of its superior efficiency and productivity, and does long-overdue justice to one of the greatest producers of life-serving values in history: John D. Rockefeller.
History, Politics & Rights, Science & Technology
Property Rights and the Crisis of the Electric Grid
Raymond C. Niles May 20, 2008
Surveys the history and achievements of America’s electricity entrepreneurs, shows how government interference in the transmission grid has hampered their enterprises from the outset to the present day, and indicates what America must do to liberate the grid and enable a new wave of entrepreneurs to supply this vital product commensurate with the country’s demand.