History, Reviews
Review: Dare to Stand Alone, by Bryan Niblett
Roderick Fitts November 20, 2011
Roderick Fitts reviews Dare to Stand Alone: The Story of Charles Bradlaugh, Atheist and Republican, by Bryan Niblett.
History, Politics & Rights
UNESCO Embraces PLO Terrorists
Joshua Lipana November 2, 2011
As part of the United Nations’ general support for murderous regimes, one of its agencies—The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization—has granted the Palestinian Liberation Organization full membership in UNESCO. In response, U.S. officials have indicated that the United States will cut off all funding for UNESCO. But this ignores…
History, Reviews
Review: Crashing Through, by Robert Kurson
Daniel Wahl August 20, 2011
Daniel Wahl reviews Crashing Through: The Extraordinary True Story of the Man Who Dared to See, by Robert Kurson.
History, Reviews
Review: Gauntlet, by Barbara Masin
John Cerasuolo August 20, 2011
John Cerasuolo reviews Gauntlet: Five Friends, 20,000 Enemy Troops, and the Secret That Could Have Changed the Course of the Cold War, by Barbara Masin.
History, Reviews
Review: The Fear, by Peter Godwin
Daniel Wahl August 20, 2011
Daniel Wahl reviews The Fear: Robert Mugabe and the Martyrdom of Zimbabwe, by Peter Godwin.
History, Politics & Rights
What to Celebrate on the Fourth of July
Craig Biddle July 3, 2011
On July 4, 1776, the Founders declared to the world not only that the colonies would henceforth be independent from Britain, but also, and more fundamentally, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and…
History, Reviews
Review: Operation Mincemeat, by Ben Macintyre
Daniel Wahl May 20, 2011
Daniel Wahl reviews Operation Mincemeat: How a Dead Man and a Bizarre Plan Fooled the Nazis and Assured an Allied Victory, by Ben Macintyre.
History, Reviews
Review: Anti-intellectualism in American Life
Burgess Laughlin May 20, 2011
Burgess Laughlin reviews Anti-intellectualism in American Life, by Richard Hofstadter, and The Age of American Unreason, by Susan Jacoby.
A Symphony of History: Will Durant’s The Story of Civilization
Dan Norton February 20, 2011
Examines this defining work of yet another man of the mind, showing, among other things, the remarkable scope and integration of Durant’s multivolume world history.
History, Science & Technology
Walt Disney’s EPCOT: The City of Tomorrow that Might Have Been
Gretchen Thomas February 20, 2011
Shows how this man of the mind designed and strove to develop a city of technology, industry, and commerce like none other to this day.