Good Living
Good Living
Ancient Wisdom for Modern Life: Five Lessons from Miyamoto Musashi’s ‘Way of the Warrior’
Tim White May 28, 2020
Miyamoto Musashi is on my “top ten” list of people whose ideas have dramatically improved my life. I think that if you read his works and reflect carefully on their myriad implications and applications, you’ll enjoy similar results.
Good Living, Philosophy
How to Savor Gratitude and Disarm “Gratitude Traps”
Ellen Kenner May 20, 2020
Gratitude, properly understood and practiced, has the power to greatly enhance our relationships and our lives. Tragically, though, widespread misconceptions about its nature keep many people from fully enjoying it.
Arts & Culture, Good Living
Twenty More Soul-Fueling Works of Art to Get You Through the Lockdown
Tim White April 30, 2020
Although economic and social restrictions are easing in some parts of the world, most of us aren’t yet seeing the light at the end of the lockdown tunnel. Here are twenty more uplifting, inspiring, and/or philosophically valuable works of art to keep you going for the next month or two.
Arts & Culture, Good Living
Twenty Soul-Fueling Works of Art to Check Out While You’re Stuck at Home
Tim White April 16, 2020
Here are twenty books, movies, TV shows, and video games with notably positive and/or philosophically valuable messages to help you pass the time, keep your mind active, and keep your spiritual fuel tank full.
Arts & Culture, Ayn Rand & Objectivism, Good Living
How Terry Goodkind’s Sword of Truth Saved My Life
Tim White February 12, 2020
So miserable was my pre-Goodkind, pre-Rand life, that had I not discovered their works, I might be dead today.
Announcements, Arts & Culture, Good Living
TOS-Con 2020’s Program Is Announced!
Craig Biddle January 17, 2020
I hope you’ll join us in Boston for the most life-enhancing conference of the year—it’s gonna be a blast!
Arts & Culture, Ayn Rand & Objectivism, Good Living
More Gift Ideas for Fans of Ayn Rand
Jon Hersey December 19, 2019
Here are some gift ideas that I think may enrich your holidays, your relationships, and your life. Merry Christmas!
Good Living
Promote Winter Wellness with Hygge
Tim White December 13, 2019
Many people seem to have accepted the idea that, even if you like your family and genuinely enjoy the holidays, some degree of stress is just part of the package. But it doesn’t have to—and shouldn’t—be that way.
Education & Parenting, Good Living, Reviews
Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World by David Epstein
David King December 5, 2019
In a world where hyper-focus on specialization is leading to greater and greater compartmentalization, this book is a welcome call for a renewed focus on integration.
Good Living
How Whole Life Insurance Can Protect Your Money, Your Family, and Your Future
Tim White September 24, 2019
Whole life insurance doesn't only protect your family after you're gone. It’s also a powerful financial tool that can enrich your life in numerous ways while you're still alive to enjoy it.