Thomas Walker-Werth's Articles
Arts & Culture, History, Reviews
Straight Line Crazy by David Hare
Thomas Walker-Werth June 7, 2022
Despite some faults, Straight Line Crazy does an excellent job of bringing to modern audiences the harsh reality of how governments, even in wealthy, developed countries, can ride roughshod over people’s rights, rich and poor alike.
Politics & Rights
Russia Shows Why Britain Was Right to Send Weapons to Ukraine
Thomas Walker-Werth May 6, 2022
Russia has firmly and unquestionably established itself as a threat to Britain and the civilized world. Western governments should recognize the Russian regime for what it is: A despotic dictatorship bent on conquest with no regard for the lives or rights of individuals.
Science & Technology
How Going to Space Can Enhance Human Flourishing, with Dr. Robert Zubrin
Thomas Walker-Werth April 16, 2022
"We have a revolution in spaceflight right now," says Dr. Robert Zubrin, "and it's being caused by freedom." In this interview he discusses how becoming a spacefaring species has the potential to greatly enhance human flourishing and revolutionize our society.
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
The Collectivist Roots of Russian Atrocities
Thomas Walker-Werth April 7, 2022
What is happening now in Ukraine is a kind of barbarism many in the West thought was consigned to history. The only antidote to it is a principled defense of the very ideas Putin opposes: individualism and individual rights.
Politics & Rights
Putin, Planes, and Dealing with Dictators
Thomas Walker-Werth March 16, 2022
The Russian government of Vladimir Putin has issued a mandate effectively seizing the planes of European companies. Western companies should learn from this experience and pull out of all rights-violating nations.
Arts & Culture, Reviews
The Book of Boba Fett, Created by Jon Favreau
Thomas Walker-Werth February 18, 2022
Star Wars is great for two principal reasons: A clear, moving story about good triumphing over evil; and likable, interesting characters. Unfortunately, The Book of Boba Fett falls short in both regards.
Economics, Philosophy
Why Jeff Bezos Is Not a “Tech Mogul” or “King of E-Commerce”
Thomas Walker-Werth February 18, 2022
A king is only a king if he maintains his rule through force. An entrepreneur cannot resort to force; his means of success is voluntary exchange. Next time you hear someone criticize “tech moguls” or the “king” of any given industry, this distinction may come in handy.
Politics & Rights
The Fundamental Difference between Ukraine and Russia
Thomas Walker-Werth January 31, 2022
As I write this, more than one hundred thousand Russian troops are gathered along their border with Ukraine. Every day, Ukrainian citizens are living in fear of invasion. Why are innocent people facing the prospect of death and destruction at the hands of a foreign power?
Economics, Politics & Rights
Star Trek, Marx, Maezawa, and the Moneyless Dream: Utopian or Dystopian?
“Money rests on the axiom that every man is the owner of his mind and his effort.” —Ayn Rand
Politics & Rights
The Tulip Won’t Bloom in London, Thanks to Rights-Violating Politicians
Thomas Walker-Werth December 8, 2021
Why should governments get to decide how cities should be developed? The very concept of “urban planning” has baked into it the idea that a central “planner” knows best; that individuals must not be trusted to act on their own judgment.
Politics & Rights
Environmentalists Show Their Disregard for Human Life
Thomas Walker-Werth November 26, 2021
During October 2021, environmentalist “protesters” affiliated with the “Insulate Britain” movement twice blocked the M25, Britain’s busiest motorway. These show the anti-human morality that underlies the environmentalist movement.
Arts & Culture, Science & Technology
Robot 'Artists' Muddy the Meaning of Art
Thomas Walker-Werth November 3, 2021
Ai-Da is not the kind of tool that aids an artist in selectively re-creating reality. Rather, it’s a tool for randomizing output and removing value-based selectivity—the essence of art—from the process and the outcome.
Economics, Politics & Rights, Science & Technology
Seven Reasons Why the Aviation Industry Is a Wonderful Thing
Thomas Walker-Werth October 16, 2021
The restrictions on travel imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic devastated the aviation industry. Now, environmental crusaders and governments threaten to deal it a mortal blow. Can you imagine what the future will be like if they succeed and we lose the many benefits of aviation?
Arts & Culture, Biographies
Ray Harryhausen: Giving New Life to Old Legends
Thomas Walker-Werth September 25, 2021
Ray Harryhausen was a maverick, path-breaking movie maker. He gave new life to old legends, created legends of his own, and inspired the legends of the next generation. It is in large part thanks to him that we have movies such as Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Indiana Jones today.
Arts & Culture, Reviews
Free Guy, Written by Matt Lieberman and Zak Penn
Thomas Walker-Werth September 2, 2021
The bulk of Free Guy is propelled by a compelling, original story (a rare thing in today’s movie landscape) with well-written, well-acted characters and a powerful theme, as well as a delightful dose of humor.