Michael A. LaFerrara's Articles
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
The GOP’s Religious Albatross
Michael A. LaFerrara October 27, 2012
Once again, a Republican congressional candidate has thrown the party back on its heels with a cruel comment concerning rape. In answer to a debate question on when abortion should be legal, Indiana GOP senate candidate Richard Mourdock said: I struggled with it myself for a long time, but I…
Politics & Rights
Archbishop’s Claim that Gay Marriage Threatens Religious Freedom is a Threat to Religious Freedom
Michael A. LaFerrara October 5, 2012
Catholic Archbishop John J. Myers has issued a pastoral statement declaring that the legalization of gay marriage would threaten religious freedom. In fact, however, the archbishop’s claim is a threat to religious freedom. America has a secular government that is supposed to protect every individual's rights to free association and…
Politics & Rights
Obama’s Apology vs. Responsibility Regarding the Libyan Murderers
Michael A. LaFerrara September 27, 2012
The Obama Administration is running ads throughout Pakistan condemning and apologizing for the video that allegedly sparked the anti-America riots across the Middle East, including the sacking of the U.S. consulate in Libya and the murders of the American ambassador and three other U.S. Citizens. The New York Post sums…
Politics & Rights
Romney vs. Romney on Coercive Wealth Redistribution
Michael A. LaFerrara September 26, 2012
Responding to criticisms of his comments about the “47%”, Mitt Romney, in an attempt to turn the tables, zeroed in on a quote from 1998 in which Barack Obama explicitly endorsed government-enforced redistribution of wealth. But in attempting to rebut Obama, Romney granted Obama’s basic premise. CBS News quotes Romney:…
Education & Parenting, Philosophy
Separation of State from Religion—and Education—are Corollary Principles of the Right
Michael A. LaFerrara September 11, 2012
Slate’s Amanda Marcotte argues that a new Florida law attempts “to get around the spirit” of the 1962 Supreme Court decision Engel v. Vitale—a decision that banned government-sponsored prayer in public schools on the grounds that it violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. The Florida law “allows students…
Politics & Rights
Obama Urges Amendment to Overturn the First Amendment
Michael A. LaFerrara September 5, 2012
Under the pretense that so-called “super-PACs” would “drown out the voices of ordinary citizens,” President Obama “proposed the idea of a constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s 2-year-old Citizens United decision . . . which paved the way for today’s unlimited political expenditures by political action committees.” But Obama’s…
Ayn Rand & Objectivism
Eugene Robinson’s Disdain for the Working Class, and Distortion of Ayn Rand
Michael A. LaFerrara August 23, 2012
In a Washington Post article, Eugene Robinson falsely asserts that Ayn Rand “equated capitalist success with moral virtue,” and he claims that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan ascribe to this allegedly Objectivist outlook. This view, according to Robinson, also entails “disdain” for “the working class,” who, not being “capitalists,” “don’t…
History, Reviews
Review: Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America, by Mark R. Levin
Michael A. LaFerrara August 20, 2012
Michael A. LaFerrara reviews Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America, by Mark R. Levin.
Education & Parenting
Parent Trigger Laws Indicate Growing Strength of the Parental School Choice Movement
Michael A. LaFerrara August 17, 2012
There is a growing effort on the part of parents of children in government-run schools to broaden the options open to them for improving their children’s education. This movement, known as the parental school choice movement, has been underway for decades. But a new effort within the movement has recently…
Politics & Rights
Understanding Obama: It’s Not the Economy, Stupid!
Michael A. LaFerrara August 5, 2012
Noting our deteriorating economy, a seemingly exasperated Charles Gasparino recently wrote in the New York Post: President Obama can’t stop talking about the 1 percent of people who he says don’t pay their fair share of the nation’s taxes. But he should be obsessing about a 1.5 percent — the…
Politics & Rights
Obama’s Way vs. The American Way
Michael A. LaFerrara August 2, 2012
In an under-analyzed section of his infamous "you didn't build that" speech, President Obama effused: [W]hen we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together. There are some things, just like fighting fires, we don’t do on our own. I mean, imagine if…
Politics & Rights
Obama’s Hideous Moral Equivalence Toward Israel
Michael A. LaFerrara July 30, 2012
Is there a moral difference between a terrorist attack on a tourist bus and a nation acting in self defense? Not according to the Obama administration. As the New York Post writes regarding an Iranian-backed Hezbollah attack on Israeli citizens in Bulgaria: Team Obama rightly blamed Iran after its proxy…
Politics & Rights
On a Revisionist’s Proposal to Upend the Declaration of Independence
Michael A. LaFerrara July 21, 2012
University of Virginia’s Center for Politics director Larry Sabato, citing the Founders’ approval of a Constitution open for revision, has proposed several revisions of his own. One may argue over the merits of Sabato’s proposed revisions regarding war powers, Senate structure, elections, and Supreme Court terms. But no one can…
Politics & Rights
Will the 58 Percent Save America?
Michael A. LaFerrara July 14, 2012
[caption id="attachment_4482" align="alignright" width="224"] Image: Wikimedia Commons[/caption] For those of us on the right—we who advocate political freedom and limited, rights-protecting government—the glow of Independence Day celebrations was dimmed by the SCOTUS ruling on ObamaCare that immediately preceded the holiday. Fortunately, there is somewhat brighter news to be found on…
Arts & Culture
Larry Doby, American Hero
Michael A. LaFerrara July 10, 2012
In 1947, Jackie Robinson joined the Brooklyn Dodgers to become the first American of black African descent to play Major League baseball, breaking professional baseball’s self-imposed “color line.” The famous Robinson is rightly considered an American hero. But there was another 1947 black hero who, unfortunately, was historically overshadowed by…