Craig Biddle's Articles
Announcements, Ayn Rand & Objectivism, Good Living, Philosophy, Politics & Rights
You can now watch and share TOS-Con 2018 videos on YouTube!
Craig Biddle September 20, 2018
If you missed TOS-Con 2018: Philosophy for Freedom and Flourishing—or if you attended and would like to share sessions with friends—check out this playlist.
Announcements, Philosophy
Virtue as the Art of Human Flourishing
Craig Biddle September 20, 2018
In this episode of “Facts, Values, and Flourishing,” we’ll look at the nature of virtue in the context of a rational, life-based morality.
Morality as the Science of Human Flourishing
Craig Biddle August 30, 2018
In this episode of “Facts, Values, and Flourishing,” we’ll elaborate on the facts, integrations, and principles that make morality—that is, life-based, rational morality—an actual science.
Announcements, Ayn Rand & Objectivism
Will you join the 68 people who’ve contributed to TOS’s summer fundraiser?
Craig Biddle August 29, 2018
Nearly seventy people have contributed a total of $22,000 toward our goal of $80,000 by the end of August. But we have a long way to go.
TOS-Con 2018: ‘A Tapestry of Practical Ideas’ that You Can Enjoy Now
Craig Biddle August 26, 2018
“You created an atmosphere of intellectual curiosity and rational inquiry in a relaxed, socially-engaged, fun environment. My only disappointment was that it ended.” —Ed
TOS and ARI Have Resumed Cooperation
Craig Biddle August 24, 2018
TOS and ARI share the same general mission, to advance Objectivism, and we realize that we can achieve this goal more effectively together.
Facts, Values, and Flourishing—Episode 5 Rescheduled
Craig Biddle August 23, 2018
“Facts, Values, and Flourishing” will resume with episode 5, “Morality as the Science of Human Flourishing,” next Thursday, August 30, at 9:00 PM Eastern Time.
Announcements, Ayn Rand & Objectivism
Will you help TOS fight for your values?
Craig Biddle August 14, 2018
“The work you do is more important than ever, given the sad state of our culture. I am happy to help in any way I can.” —Genie
Politics & Rights
Mark Pellegrino on the American Capitalist Party
Craig Biddle August 13, 2018
“Take the term ‘liberal’ away from the political left. ‘Liberal’ (like ‘progressive’) implies a reasoned, forward-thinking approach to life. It comes from the same root as ‘liberty.’” —Mark Pellegrino
From the Editor, Fall 2018
Craig Biddle August 13, 2018
Craig Biddle introduces the Fall 2018 issue of The Objective Standard, with articles by Andrew Bernstein and Timothy Sandefur, interviews with Mark Pellegrino and Jesse McCarthy, and much more.
Announcements, Good Living, Philosophy
Moral Values as Absolute and Conditional
Craig Biddle August 10, 2018
This episode of “Facts, Values, and Flourishing” examines the basic values that support and advance human life, showing why they are both absolute and conditional.
Announcements, Philosophy
Implications of and Objections to Life as the Standard
Craig Biddle August 2, 2018
We’ll look at some key implications of Ayn Rand’s derivation of life as the standard of value, and we’ll consider several objections to her approach and conclusions.
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
Identity Politics vs. the Law of Identity
Craig Biddle August 2, 2018
Identity politics is an all-out assault on the law of identity. It holds that an individual is not an individual, that his mind is not his mind, that his values are not his values. What does this mean for identity politics?
History, Philosophy
The Passion of Socialists
Craig Biddle July 31, 2018
Why is there so much passion behind socialism? Consider the psychological and moral context that people bring to the question of which social system to support.
Announcements, Arts & Culture, Good Living
When I met Alex Epstein . . . and why you should attend TOS-Con
Craig Biddle July 30, 2018
Philosophy conferences can be the beginnings of remarkably valuable friendships, opportunities, careers. TOS-Con 2018 will be. Don't miss it!