Craig Biddle's Articles
From the Editor, Spring 2009
Craig Biddle February 20, 2009
Craig Biddle introduces the Spring 2009 issue.
Science & Technology
'Green' vs. Good
Craig Biddle January 9, 2009
Keith Lockitch of the Ayn Rand Institute has an excellent op-ed in today’s Washington Times titled “Environmental angst: Going ‘green’ doesn’t work.” Here’s an excerpt: Why is it that no matter what sacrifices you make to try to reduce your “environmental footprint,” it never seems to be enough? Well, consider…
Politics & Rights, Science & Technology
This is Your Future on 'Universal Healthcare'
Craig Biddle January 6, 2009
Paul Hsieh has an excellent op-ed titled “Universal healthcare and the waistline police” in the Jan 7 issue of the Christian Science Monitor. It begins: Imagine a country where the government regularly checks the waistlines of citizens over age 40. Anyone deemed too fat would be required to undergo diet…
Economics, Philosophy, Politics & Rights
Capitalism and the Moral High Ground
Craig Biddle November 20, 2008
Concretizes the selfishness-enabling nature of capitalism and shows why this feature makes it the only moral social system on earth.
From the Editor, Winter 2008–2009
Craig Biddle November 20, 2008
Craig Biddle introduces the Winter 2007–08 issue.
Announcements, Politics & Rights
Urgent: Oppose Bailout of Wall Street Now
Craig Biddle September 28, 2008
Despite enormous citizen opposition to the proposed $700 billion bailout of Wall Street, U.S. lawmakers are reviewing a tentative agreement to pass it, and the House and Senate likely will vote tomorrow. This proposal is an outrage, and Americans who value liberty must oppose it in the strongest terms possible.…
Politics & Rights
McBama vs. America
Craig Biddle August 20, 2008
Surveys the promises of John McCain and Barack Obama, shows that these intentions are at odds with the American ideal of individual rights, demonstrates that the cause of such political aims is a particular moral philosophy (shared by McCain and Obama), and calls for Americans to repudiate that morality and to embrace instead a morality that supports the American ideal.
From the Editor, Fall 2008
Craig Biddle August 20, 2008
Criag Biddle introduces the Fall 2008 issue.
Yaron Brook on the Moral Foundation of Freedom
Craig Biddle June 17, 2008
Forbes has published a good article by Yaron Brook titled “From Flat World to Free World.” Following a brief survey of the decline of economic freedom and the expansion of nationalism, both globally and in America, Brook points to the underlying cause of the problem and indicates the only solution.…
From the Editor, Summer 2008
Craig Biddle May 20, 2008
Craig Biddle introduces the Summer 2008 issue.
Announcements, Ayn Rand & Objectivism
Rational Egoism in Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead
Craig Biddle April 28, 2008
Who: Andrew Bernstein, professor of philosophy and speaker for the Ayn Rand Institute What: A talk and Q & A examining The Fountainhead and explaining Ayn Rand's morality of rational egoism Where: University of Maryland, Arts Building, Room 2309, College Park, MD When: May 1, 2008, at 8 pm Admission…
Education & Parenting
An Interview with Lisa VanDamme on Education and Objectivism
Craig Biddle April 24, 2008
Michael F. Shaughnessy, a senior columnist for Education News, has published a wonderful interview with Lisa VanDamme. Here are the first two questions and answers: 1) Lisa, first of all, what got you interested in education and teaching? From one perspective, you could say I stumbled upon my career as…
Politics & Rights
'Life and Taxes' by Yaron Brook
Craig Biddle April 17, 2008
Yaron Brook has another excellent commentary in Forbes, this time on “Life and Taxes.” Here’s an excerpt: Tax policy works by attaching financial incentives to a long list of values deemed morally worthy. If you want to maximize your wealth come tax time—and who doesn't?—you must look at the world…
Ayn Rand & Objectivism, Philosophy
Heidi Moore's Argument from Intimidation
Craig Biddle April 12, 2008
On the website of the Wall Street Journal, under the heading “Capitalism Shrugged: Should Ayn Rand Be Required Reading?”—and after stating a few uncontroversial facts, several inaccuracies, and some inconsequential fluff—Heidi Moore gets to her point: Rand has a bit of a reputation problem among those who have not drunk…
Ayn Rand & Objectivism, Education & Parenting
More on the Propriety of Donations with 'Strings'
Craig Biddle March 31, 2008
The latest attack on BB&T’s educational donations—and on academic freedom—comes by way of this Charlotte Observer editorial, which opens with the obvious truth that “A public university's faculty and administration—not donors—should have the final say on the content of courses.” The editorial closes with the obvious truth that “it’s wrong…