Craig Biddle's Articles
New Blog by Dianne Durante
Craig Biddle May 5, 2009
TOS contributor Dianne Durante has a new blog called Principles, History and Philosophy for Today’s News. “So far,” says Dianne, “there are essays on pirates (provoked by the Somali pirates) and on Cuban-American relations. This is a trial run for a website I'd like to produce that would offer short…
History, Politics & Rights
Leftist Fantasy vs. the True Story of the Atomic Bombs
Craig Biddle May 2, 2009
Bill Whittle of PJTV annihilates the leftist fantasy, most recently espoused by Jon Stewart, that our atom bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was “immoral,” and that Harry Truman was a “war criminal.” Whittle shows that our use of the atomic bombs saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of American…
Announcements, Philosophy, Politics & Rights
Yaron Brook on Islamic Totalitarianism
Craig Biddle May 2, 2009
In Yaron Brook’s latest interview on PJTV, he discusses Islamic Totalitarianism and its primary sponsor, Iran; how the U.S. has turned the other cheek every time Iran has (directly or indirectly) attacked Americans; what the U.S. (and Israel) should do about this Iranian-sponsored assault on the West; and the need…
Help Fight for a Future of Reason and Freedom
Craig Biddle April 26, 2009
Dear Reader, I’m writing to ask for your help. Because of the parallels between Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged and current events, Rand’s ideas are increasingly mentioned on talk shows, the internet, the news. This burgeoning interest in Rand’s philosophy is promising, but to fully grasp the practicality of Objectivism, people…
Announcements, Politics & Rights
John Lewis's Tea Party Interview
Craig Biddle April 17, 2009
In addition to John Lewis’s excellent tea party speech, Andy Clarkson has posted an interview with Lewis, which is also well worth viewing.
Politics & Rights
John Lewis on the Proper Meaning of a Tea Party
Craig Biddle April 17, 2009
Here’s a video of John Lewis’s excellent speech at yesterday’s tea party in Charlotte, North Carolina. (Thanks to Andy Clarkson for recording it)
Politics & Rights
A Snapshot of Obama's Obscene Foreign Policy
Craig Biddle April 15, 2009
Caroline Glick has written a good piece summing up the global situation in the wake of President Obama’s recent travels to Britain, France, the Czech Republic, Turkey, and Iraq. Here’s an excerpt: Somewhere between apologizing for American history—both distant and recent; genuflecting before the unelected, bigoted king of Saudi Arabia;…
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
The Seals Have Done What 'God' Could Not
Craig Biddle April 13, 2009
Those who are thanking an alleged “God” for the rescue of American cargo ship captain Richard Phillips are engaging in a grave injustice. Phillips was saved not by “God,” who does not exist, but by Navy Seals, who deserve full credit for this marvelous feat. Paraphrasing one of the protagonists…
Announcements, Politics & Rights
A Tea Party Without Egoism Is like a Republic Without a Chance
Craig Biddle April 5, 2009
Going to a Tea Party? Don’t leave home without copies of this flier (PDF), which reads: A Tea Party Without Egoism Is like a Republic Without a Chance America was founded on the individual’s rights to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. But, contrary to the beliefs of…
'Atlas Shrugged and Ayn Rand’s Morality of Egoism' Now Online
Craig Biddle March 27, 2009
Because of the burgeoning internet discussion about Ayn Rand’s novel Atlas Shrugged and her ethics of selfishness, I’ve posted an expanded, written version my campus talk “Atlas Shrugged and Ayn Rand’s Morality of Egoism” to the TOS website. A permanent link to the essay can be found on our…
Save 20 Percent on The Objective Standard now through March 27
Craig Biddle March 18, 2009
TOS is offering a 20% discount on subscriptions to first-time subscribers through March 27, 2009. If you have considered subscribing to the Standard but have held off—or if you know anyone who has—now is the time to act. A one-year print subscription is only $47.20 (regularly $59), and a…
Ayn Rand & Objectivism
Yaron Brook on Ayn Rand: A Triptych
Craig Biddle March 17, 2009
1. If you’ve not yet read it, don’t miss Yaron Brook’s excellent op-ed “Is Rand Relevant?” in the Wall Street Journal. Here are the opening paragraphs: Ayn Rand died more than a quarter of a century ago, yet her name appears regularly in discussions of our current economic turmoil. Pundits…
The Spring Issue of TOS
Craig Biddle March 11, 2009
The print edition of the Spring issue is at press and will be mailed shortly; the online version will be accessible to subscribers beginning March 20. For promotional purposes, we are making “Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged and the World Today: An Interview with Yaron Brook” and “Altruism: The Moral…
Ayn Rand & Objectivism, Philosophy
Religion vs. Subjectivism: Why Neither Will Do
Craig Biddle February 20, 2009
Examines the alternatives of religion and subjectivism, and shows them to be equally life-thwarting and revealingly similar.
Ayn Rand & Objectivism
Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged and the World Today: An Interview with Yaron Brook
Craig Biddle February 20, 2009
Explains why, more than fifty years ago, Rand was able to project the kinds of crises we are seeing today.