Craig Biddle's Articles
Yaron Brook Interviewed by Larry Greenfield
Craig Biddle September 3, 2009
Here is part one of a four-part interview with Yaron Brook, conducted by Larry Greenfield of The Claremont Institute.
Announcements, Ayn Rand & Objectivism
Virtual Objectivist Club
Craig Biddle August 26, 2009
Here’s a note from Keith Schacht, who is involved in the start up of a new organization called the Virtual Objectivist Club (OCN). I helped start the Objectivist Club Network (OCN), an organization dedicated to helping all Objectivist Campus Clubs. OCN is not affiliated with the Ayn Rand Institute, although…
Activism with TOS
Craig Biddle August 22, 2009
American culture is at a critical juncture. Over the next few years, the country will move substantially toward either further violations of individual rights or better protection of individual rights. So I’d like to offer a few suggestions about how you can employ The Objective Standard in the fight for…
How Morality is Grounded in Reality
Craig Biddle August 20, 2009
Presents Ayn Rand’s solution to the so-called “is–ought” problem and shows how she identified the requirements of man’s life as the objective standard of moral value.
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
The Creed of Sacrifice vs. The Land of Liberty
Craig Biddle August 20, 2009
Examines the morality of altruism, exposing its incompatibility with the basic principle of America (i.e., individual rights), identifying its philosophic roots, and showing that if Americans want to save America, they must repudiate this creed, root and branch.
Politics & Rights
America’s Self-Crippled Foreign Policy
Craig Biddle August 20, 2009
Discusses the dismal state of American foreign policy and what should be done about it.
From the Editor, Fall 2009
Craig Biddle August 20, 2009
Craig Biddle introduces the Fall 2009 issue.
Economics, Science & Technology
The Whole Foods Alternative to ObamaCare
Craig Biddle August 17, 2009
John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods, has an excellent article in the Wall Street Journal, in which he outlines several market-oriented changes that would substantially improve the quality of health care in America, multiply consumers’ options, and decrease health-care costs. Among other things, Mackey advocates the following: Remove the legal…
TOS Contributors on “The Big Biz Show”
Craig Biddle August 12, 2009
I am pleased to announce that three members of the newly formed TOS Speakers Bureau, John David Lewis, Richard M. Salsman, and Raymond C. Niles, will be interviewed at separate times in coming days on “The Big Biz Show” ( Alex Epstein, a TOS contributor and an analyst with the…
NYT Article on BB&T, John Allison, and Ayn Rand
Craig Biddle August 1, 2009
Andrew Martin has a nice article in today’s New York Times, titled “Give BB&T Liberty, but Not a Bailout.” The piece is, for the most part, positive, and I highly recommend it. I must point out, however, that the article includes a smear by subjectivist philosopher Brian Leiter, who expresses…
Summer Issue of The Objective Standard
Craig Biddle June 23, 2009
The print edition of the Summer issue has been mailed, and the online version has been posted to our website. The contents are: From the Editor Letters and Replies ARTICLES An Interview with a “Capitalist Pig”: Jonathan Hoenig on Hedge Funds, the Economic Crisis, and the Future of America…
Ayn Rand & Objectivism, Philosophy
The Is–Ought Gap: Subjectivism’s Technical Retreat
Craig Biddle May 20, 2009
Examines the so-called is–ought gap, the claim that moral principles cannot be derived from observable facts, and highlights the need of a solution.
An Interview with a “Capitalist Pig”: Jonathan Hoenig on Hedge Funds, the Economic Crisis, and the Future of America
Craig Biddle May 20, 2009
Discusses the nature and value of hedge funds, the ill effects of economic regulations, and how to fight for free markets.
Politics & Rights
Letters and Replies, Summer 2009
Craig Biddle replies to a letter about immigration; Kendall Bryan writes in praise of TOS; and Larry Salzman recommends a book about zoning laws.
From the Editor, Summer 2009
Craig Biddle May 20, 2009
Craig Biddle introduces the Summer 2009 issue.