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Ayn Rand & Objectivism, Economics
Who Is John Galt Mortgage Company?
Jon Hersey November 23, 2023
When I heard that two friends and highly successful businessmen—Tim Chermak and Mitchell Broderick—had launched a new venture called John Galt Mortgage Company, I immediately thought, Brilliant! But I didn’t realize then how brilliant their idea really is.
Arts & Culture, Noteworthy
The Musical Time Machine of Julian Lage
Jon Hersey November 16, 2023
Much jazz revels in the obscure, eschewing the pleasing consonances of more popular music. But in Lage’s hands, the genre’s extended harmonic palette is instead used to milk maximum expressiveness from more familiar sonic territory.
Politics & Rights, Reviews
Against the New Politics of Identity by Ronald A. Lindsay
Timothy Sandefur November 10, 2023
If American culture is to survive the onslaught of identity politics, it will only be through the efforts of such reasonable and courageous thinkers as Ronald Lindsay.
Arts & Culture, Reviews
The Great Escaper, Directed by Oliver Parker
Angelica Walker-Werth November 8, 2023
The Great Escaper is a touching tribute to important aspects of a life well-lived: honoring your friends, cherishing your spouse, doing the things you want to do even when no one thinks you can, and celebrating the pleasure of being alive.
Arts & Culture, Noteworthy
A Parting Message from The Beatles, and More
Jon Hersey November 8, 2023
Hear the Beatles' last song, Tom Bukovac's Plexi Soul (now on vinyl), a new Van Morrison record that makes sitting still impossible, and more.
Arts & Culture, Noteworthy
New Music from Alice Sara Ott, Duran Duran, Carter Faith, and More
Jon Hersey October 31, 2023
Alice Sara Ott releases a deluxe edition of her Echoes of Life, Duran Duran unearths a Halloween-themed dance-party soundtrack perfect for zombies, werewolves, and witches—and more.
Arts & Culture, History, Reviews
Killers of the Flower Moon, Directed by Martin Scorsese
Thomas Walker-Werth October 28, 2023
Killers of the Flower Moon is a bloated film with a malevolent sense of life. Despite its enormous runtime, it misses the opportunity to depict both the rights abuses to which the Osage were subjected and the good entrepreneurship they and others engaged in.
Arts & Culture, Noteworthy
New Music From The Rolling Stones, Robbie Robertson, Glen Hansard, and More
Jon Hersey October 27, 2023
Robbie Robertson comes around full circle, The Rolling Stones show some new colors, Glen Hansard stares melancholy firmly in the face, and Dave Barnes wields old tricks for new delights.
Arts & Culture, Noteworthy
The Dueling Philosophies of Two New Guitar Albums
Jon Hersey October 19, 2023
Two widely celebrated guitarists recently released new records. They represent not merely different musical approaches appropriate to their different genres, but two divergent worldviews.
Arts & Culture, Noteworthy
Noteworthy: New Music from Joe Bonamassa, Vikingur Ólafsson, and More
Jon Hersey October 13, 2023
Welcome to “Noteworthy,” a periodic update on new music and related news. This week’s noteworthy picks span the musical universe.
Arts & Culture
The Creator, Directed by Gareth Edwards
Angelica Walker-Werth October 13, 2023
Instead of dealing with serious and timely issues in a thought-provoking manner, The Creator rehashes familiar tropes and common fears to convey a shallow anti-America story that ignores the moral issues it raises.
Arts & Culture, Reviews
Ahsoka, Created by Dave Filoni
Thomas Walker-Werth October 6, 2023
Ahsoka's compelling setup makes it far more interesting than many of the recent Star Wars shows. Virtually every character has clear motivation, and the main story is supported by interesting subplots. Although it is not without flaws, it is, on the whole, compelling and exciting.
Ayn Rand & Objectivism
Ayn Rand on ‘Moral Sanction’: What Bryan Caplan Gets Wrong
Jon Hersey September 22, 2023
Practicing what Rand advocated requires not only having (and, when appropriate, providing) valid reasons for one’s views and values, but also raising one’s standards of evaluation and refraining from “unprovoked moral denunciations or debates.”
From the Editor, Fall 2023
Thomas Walker-Werth August 29, 2023
Welcome to the Fall 2023 issue of The Objective Standard. I hope you enjoy the issue.
Politics & Rights, Science & Technology
GMOs: Good, Man-Made Organisms
Angelica Walker-Werth August 29, 2023
Contrary to decades-long, well-financed efforts to discredit and prohibit GMOs, gene editing is a profoundly life-enhancing technology. GM crops can and have saved lives, improved health, enhanced the soils they are planted in, freed up land, and increased profits for farmers—especially in the developing world.