From the Editor, Winter 2021
Welcome to the Winter 2021 issue of The Objective Standard. This issue concludes our sixteenth year of publication. Hello, sweet seventeen!
Welcome to the Winter 2021 issue of The Objective Standard. This issue concludes our sixteenth year of publication. Hello, sweet seventeen!
First, a big thank-you to Bosch Fawstin for producing the cover art for this issue. And a big (belated) thank-you to Steve Brennan for his portrait of Ayn Rand, which adorned the cover of the Fall 2021 issue. We’re deeply grateful to these artists and others who produce such powerful illustrations for TOS.
The articles in this, the sixty-fourth issue of the journal for people of reason, address a rich tapestry of ideas, values, heroes, and villains, including:
why philosopher Carrie-Ann Biondi left America’s failing universities
why Peter Boghossian resigned from Portland State University
and reviews of several books, a movie, and a television series.
Enjoy the issue—and don’t leave your friends in the dark! Let them know where they, too, can read articles by and for people of reason.
A mind is a beautiful thing to use!
—Craig Biddle, Editor in Chief
P.S. I hope you’ll join us in Denver this June for TOS-Con 2022: Philosophy for Freedom and Flourishing. See details and register here. (Early-bird pricing is in effect through January 29 and will save you 20 to 50 percent on registration.)