Until two years ago, I wrestled with negative self-talk that hampered my ability to enjoy my life. But I triumphed. I put the harmful thoughts behind me and started thriving. That was, until a pandemic swept the globe, and the United Kingdom, like many countries the world over, responded by locking down its population. Seeing the resignation with which so many accepted the situation nearly brought me back to disillusionment. Fortunately, I found inspiration in a book with many parallels to our present situation—a book that taught me to smile at life’s tremendous possibilities and gave me strength to fight for that vision: Ayn Rand’s We the Living. . . .
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1. Macmillan published We the Living on April 7, 1936.
2. Ayn Rand, The Romantic Manifesto (New York: Signet, 1975), 125.
3. Ayn Rand, We the Living (New York: Signet, 1996), 89.
4. Rand, We the Living, 408.
5. Rand, We the Living, 385.
6. Rand, We the Living, 464.