Written by Patty Jenkins, Geoff Johns, and Dave Callaham
Directed by Patty Jenkins
Based on characters from DC Wonder Woman created by William Moulton Marston
Starring Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Kristen Wiig, and Pedro Pascal
Released by Warner Brothers in theaters and on HBO Max, 2020
Running time: 151 minutes
Rated PG-13 for sequences of action and violence
Author’s note: This review contains spoilers.
“That is the truth, that is the only truth. And truth is all there is.” In the opening sequence of Wonder Woman 1984, the Amazonian General Antiope (Robin Wright) speaks these words to her niece, the young Princess Diana (Gal Gadot), whom viewers know as Wonder Woman. Although this important point is echoed throughout the film, most of its characters evade it to some extent—including even Diana, wielder of the Lasso of Truth, a weapon empowered by the truth itself. Their evasions make for a dark film that reflects writer/director Patty Jenkins’s sense of life and her confusions concerning morality and capitalism. . . .
1. Steve Weintraub, “Gal Gadot & Patty Jenkins on ‘Wonder Woman 1984,’ the Villains, and ‘Wonder Woman 3,’” Collider, December 20, 2019, https://collider.com/wonder-woman-1984-gal-gadot-patty-jenkins-interview/.
2. Khal, “‘Wonder Woman 1984’ Director Patty Jenkins on Bringing Wonder Woman into the ’80s: ‘I Was Craving My Wonder Woman,’” Complex, December 24, 2020, https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2020/12/patty-jenkins-wonder-woman-1984-interview.
3. Andrew Dyce, “Wonder Woman 1984 Interview: Director Patty Jenkins,” ScreenRant, August 30, 2020, https://screenrant.com/wonder-woman-1984-director-patty-jenkins-interview/.
4. Kyle Buchanan, “Patty Jenkins on ‘Wonder Woman 1984’ and the Future of Theaters,” New York Times, December 21, 2020, https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/21/movies/patty-jenkins-on-wonder-woman-1984.html.