My life was a mess.
Granted, I had lots of friends, a girlfriend, a job, a college education, and some hobbies. But my life lacked purpose. It lacked meaning. And I was not happy.
That was before I discovered rational philosophy and put it to work.
Today, my life is full of purpose and meaning. I have a career I love. I wake up every day and do work I love. I have a wonderful relationship with a woman I adore. We have a delightful daughter who is building a beautiful life for herself. We dance, ski, and travel. And I am profoundly happy.
This transformation points to the reason I started TOS-Con.
Many people lack meaning and purpose in their lives. Many others feel that they have these things, but nevertheless are unhappy or angry or frustrated or all of the above. Why? Because people need rational philosophy—practical philosophy—philosophy grounded in perceptual reality and the requirements of human life. Relatively few have it. And even among those who do, few have integrated it in such a way as to be able to put it into practice in their lives.
When I discovered this—when I came to see that countless people live suboptimal lives because they lack rational philosophy or fail to apply it—I knew that I could help. I knew that I could share the ideas that have transformed my life. That’s what my work is all about.
And it’s what TOS-Con is all about.
This conference is about understanding and applying rational philosophy to make your life the best it can be. TOS-Con brings together great thinkers who understand and show how rational philosophy applies to the various areas of life. When you hear them speak, when you interact with them and with other people who are here to make their lives the best they can be, you discover vital truths, make great friends, establish working relationships, and transform your life.
I’ve been to a lot of philosophy conferences. None is like TOS-Con.
Come and join your kind of people for three days of philosophy for freedom and flourishing. You’ll leave having kickstarted the best possible future for your life.
Register now and save 20 to 50%. Your future self will thank you.