In this episode of “Facts, Values, and Flourishing,” we’ll zero in on the most basic values that support and advance human life, namely reason, purpose, and self-esteem. In the process, we’ll see why these values are simultaneously absolute and conditional: A person can choose to embrace them or to reject them—and, either way, the values remain both absolute and conditional.

We’ll also consider a related distinction—the difference between “hypothetical imperatives” and “categorical imperatives”—and why one of these makes sense and the other does not. Finally, we’ll take a look at two different kinds of people in this regard—a distinction that Ayn Rand termed “the disciple of causation” vs. “the disciple of duty.”

The integrations in this episode are key to understanding how and why reality-based morality is not only true but also good for you. So be sure to tune in. And let your friends know about the series. This and earlier episodes can be seen on Facebook or YouTube.

PLEASE NOTE: There will not be an episode of FVF next week, Thursday, August 19, because I’ll be speaking at TOS-Con: Philosophy for Freedom and Flourishing, in Richmond, Virginia. If you’d like to attend the conference, I’d love to see you there! For details or to register, visit —Craig Biddle

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