I am delighted to announce the eight winners of full scholarships to TOS-CON 2018: Philosophy for Freedom and Flourishing.

These scholarships, with a cash value of $1,275 each, are funded by High Road Producers, and the contest to win one involved creating and uploading a short video answering one of the following questions:

  1. What are rights, and why is it important for advocates of liberty to understand how rights are derived from observation and logic?
  2. What is philosophy, and why is a rational philosophy essential to a life of happiness?

We received fifteen video entries, all of which were remarkable given the difficult questions involved and the very short length allotted for the videos (ninety seconds). Our intention was not to see airtight arguments or perfect answers to the questions (that would be impossible); rather, we wanted to see how the entrants used their communication skills and creativity to essentialize their thoughts on these matters. All of them did incredibly well with this challenging project. See for yourself here.

As described in the contest guidelines, two of the eight winners have been selected by popular vote. These two are:

  • Chetan Bafna (153 votes)
  • Ryan Miller (148 votes)

The other six winners were selected by TOS-Con staff, and the selection process was not easy. These six are (alphabetically):

  • Tyler Ashby
  • James Biller
  • Celeste Hook
  • Lynn Hu
  • Leisa Miller
  • Huzefa Siamwala

Huge congratulations to all of these thoughtful, creative young people whose videos have won them full scholarships to TOS-Con 2018. And a massive thank-you to High Road Producers for funding these scholarships.

The other entrants produced excellent videos as well, and they will receive a special prize in recognition of their thoughtful efforts.

If you’ve not yet registered for TOS-Con, register now, as space is limited, and we expect the conference to sell out.

Sharpen your mind. Fuel your soul. Excel in life. Fight for liberty.

If those are your goals, this conference is for you!

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