Craig Biddle

craig-biddle-hawaiianI'm delighted to announce the launch of TOS’s new website. Our staff and developers have worked hard toward making the site easy to navigate and a pleasure to use. I hope you find it so.

A number of tasks and improvements remain to be done, and we will be working on these over the next few weeks. (Notably, we need to improve the load time on certain pages and the responsiveness on mobile devices.) Given the size and scope of this project, I have no doubt that various glitches will surface in the days ahead as well, so please be patient as we iron out the wrinkles.

If you detect errors or have trouble finding something or encounter any other problems on the site, please let us know via our Contact page. We welcome all feedback—whether complimentary or critical.

I hope you enjoy the new website and the Spring issue of the journal!

Craig Biddle

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