The little girl who swore she was “never going to quit, never, never,” now has a fighting chance to live.
Ten-year-old Sarah Murnaghan previously had been put on the bottom of the list to receive an adult lung (the only type likely to become available) because the Department of Health and Human Services, which oversees transplantations, ruled that only patients twelve or older may join the adult list.
However, as Fox News reports, “U.S. District Judge Michael Baylson ruled June 5 that Sarah and eleven-year-old Javier Acosta, of New York City, should be eligible for adult lungs.” Yesterday Sarah received a lung transplant and reportedly is doing well. (I’ve seen no update about Javier.)
No doubt everyone who has heard of Sarah’s story is enormously relieved about the good news and is cheering Sarah on to recovery and a better, longer life.
But we should also pause and look at the wider issue at hand—the regulatory regime that almost deprived Sarah of her fighting chance to live and that does deprive many other people of their fighting chance every day. . . .